Bon Voyage!

Didik and Janice Kintanar never really wanted to make a big fuss about their plan to migrate to the United States together with their lovable kids, Sofia and Alisandro.

Fact is, they were planning to inform their closest friends only just a few days before departure for the very reason that they did not want to be emotional about it. But Cebu is too small and, I guess, the walls have ears. News spread like wildfire. Before they knew it, almost all their closest friends knew about it. Even those from outside of Cebu called to confirm, making them wonder who spilled the beans.

So, as their departure date drew nearer, despedida parties were thrown almost every day. To mention some: a very memorable one was an event-filled weekend hosted by our dear parents in our hometown Argao. Another was by our cousins Rissa and Raffy Senining in their Carcar Ranch. A barbecue dinner took place at the poolside of another dear cousin, Ann Hofer, in her Magallanes Village home in Makati with their Manila-based friends all accounted for. The very touching surprise party was at Tisoy's Sports Restobar along A.S. Fortuna, organized by their closest friends, Jimboy Tionko and Mon "El Presidente" Fernandez.

All these despedida parties were proofs of how well-loved Didik and Janice are among their circle and how bountiful are their real friends. To you guys, and our dearest Ia and Sandro, we will truly miss you! We wish you all the luck. God bless! Bon Voyage!

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