USC Law studes get acquainted

The University of San Carlos (USC) College of Law recently organized an acquaintance party at the City Sports Club spearheaded by the Lex Circle Officers.

It was a night of merriment as the law students got together to honor the new Carolinian lawyers and witnessed the ceremonial turn-over of the Dean's seat from Atty. Corazon Evangelista-Valencia to Atty. Alex Monteclar.

Atty. Evangelista-Valencia stepped down with a remarkable legacy -the USC College of Law, under her stewardship became the second top Law School out of 95 law schools in the Philippines and has maintained the legacy of excellence. USC is successfully producing competent and dynamic legal practitioners. Atty. Monteclar will continue to intensively train more in the years to come.

It was indeed fun as the law students were able to get acquainted with the USC Law School populace, getting know more their professors and their contemporaries.

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