
Freeman Cebu Entertainment

Not so little anymore

The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines - “The photographer is actually my trainer’s husband. We came up with this idea to do something really raw and edgier than I was used to doing. It was something for fun, and something just to experiment a little bit. When we saw the photos we were like, ‘Well, we need to do something with these!’” the 26-year-old actress told the website, explaining, “I look at these photos more as art than a photo shoot, because I’ve always felt really uncomfortable doing photo shoots. I’ve never felt like a model,” Hale added.

“I’m a Gemini so I gotta do things a little differently,” Hale said. “What a lot of people don’t know about me is that I do have two sides. I’m very professional and I’m very Type A when it comes to work, but I also have this pretty dark, almost provocative side to me. I’m just a petite girl with big eyes that look really innocent, so they’d definitely be a little shocked to know certain things about me.”

A’s identity was finally revealed in the latest episode of “Pretty Little Liars,” and when the show returns in 2016, the girls of Rosewood will be five years older. The series was renewed for a seventh season last year, though creator Marlene King has said she is open to doing an eighth season and maybe a movie. Hale, it seems, has other plans. “I’ll be done next October with ‘Pretty Little Liars’ forever, which is exciting, but also scary at the same time because it’s the next chapter of my life. I’m really looking forward to exploring different and darker roles,” Hale said.

Hale will begin working on a movie this fall, but it’s too early for her to divulge details. “There hasn’t been a press release, so I can’t say the title, but I am doing a really cool indie film in October. That’s sort of the direction I want to head in. It’s a little raunchy, so it’ll be exciting.”

“The fans of the show have sort of grown up with me, so it’s a movie they can watch, but we’ll push the envelope a little bit. It’s a movie that’s got a lot of heart, and morals, but the language! I get to drop the f-bomb every other line, which will be fun. This will be my first lead in a movie, which will be very exciting for me.”

Earlier this year, Hale spoke candidly about her desire to try something new. “I’ll ride out ‘Pretty Little Liars’ until it’s dead because that has been such a launching pad for me and genuinely love the people I work with and the characters.”

“There might be a movie,” Hale said of plans to extend the series, which is the network’s biggest hit. “But yeah, seven seasons will definitely end the show.” (FREEMAN)

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