Bamboo Band no more plus Dizzy Sharon slumps on stage; Solenn Heusaff bemoans 'bimbo' tag

The Bamboo band is no more. The group an-nounced last week that it has broken up, after 10 years of rocking the Filipino music scene.

“So here we go – IT’S OFFICIAL – THE BAND – IT’S OVER,” announced band lead singer Bamboo Mañalac on his website last week.

“As a group we’ve come to a point where you have to trust your gut, your heart and your head and accept that all things change. The hardest part as always is to know when to pack it up and part ways.”

But, Bamboo promised, “This is not the end. We move forward for all the right reasons. This is not a sad day. Music will forever be part of our lives and I couldn’t imagine us simply walking away. Not possible. All I see are possibilities.”

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Megastar Sharon Cuneta was rushed to hospital after slumping on stage while taping for her birthday concert at the Araneta Coliseum last Wednesday.

Sharon attributed the episode to having just a sandwich for lunch. “I felt dizzy and broke into a cold sweat,” she said in a text message. She told daughter KC Concepcion she wasn’t feeling well, and a doctor at the Big Dome said her blood pressure had gone up.

Sharon left the Araneta in a wheelchair and was taken to St. Luke’s Medical Center at The Fort. “I wanted to be confined but I felt better after a while so I went home,” she said.

Some reports claimed that Sharon tripped and lost her balance because her heels were too high.

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There’s a big huff over Solenn Heussaff being described as a “bimbo” in a French TV documentary.

The docu, entitled “Stories of Gangsters, Drug Lords and Bimbos,” was shown on the M6 channel program “Enquête Exclusive” last Jan. 2.

Solenn feels insulted at being branded as a female dimwit. “Not happy with french chanel M6 to have tagged my friends and I as “bimbos”. I hope this gets to them. We’re all decent and hard working women,” she complained in a text message.

But the unkindest cut, she said, was that she and her dad even helped the TV crew in shooting the documentary.

“They wanted to film several sides of the Philippines and they just totally exaggerated the differences between the poor and more fortunate…”

The video, she added, depicted her and her friends as “total spoiled brats and uneducated and made us look like we don’t work and all we do is live the lifestyle.”

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2010 Metro Manila Film Festival’s (MMFF) best actress awardee Ai Ai delas Alas is piqued at Alfonso Martinez, son of celeb couple Albert and Liezl Martinez, over his bashing of her film “Ang Tanging Ina Mo, Last Na ‘To” and its director Wenn Deramas.

In a recent tweet, Alfonso let loose: “I am sorry, but how the f___ can a shallow, stupid and over milked movie win best director? ‘I am sorry, Apparently to the magical MMFF grading system, the pinnacle of Philippine cinema is a brainless, rehashed, slapstick movie that would be the laughing stock of any filmfest outside the Phil!’ oh wait! I guess the movie is successful after all.”

There were innuendoes that Alfonso went into a tantrum because his dad did not win the best director plum for “Rosario.”

Ai Ai reminded the Martinez couple to teach their son manners. “They should tell their son to respect his elders. This is not about the movie, this is about respect for other people,” she said.

Liezl acknowledged that Alfonso “had no right to say those things. We are not making excuses for him because he is already 23 years old, but I hope you can understand this was just an emotional outburst of a son who had a temporary lapse of judgment.”

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