Young Cebuana signed up by PolyEast Records, dubbed as the next Pinoy teen sensation

CEBU, Philippines - After Charice Pempengco, make way for what may be the country’s next Filipino teen singing sensation in the person of Kelsey Adams.

Only 14 years old, this dynamic performer nevertheless already possesses the looks and talents to take her to the top not only in the Philippines but, perhaps, even internationally.

Born Kelsey Quinn Racoma Adams on May 3, 1995 in Hawaii, USA to Richard Charles Adams, a former professional football player, and Cebuana Jasmine Racoma Adams, the singer won her first beauty queen title even before she turned two years old via “Little Miss Universal Queen of Hawaii.”   

Upon settling in Cebu City, and from the years 2001 to 2005, Kelsey clinched more crowns from various beauty contests including “Little Miss Cupid,” “Little Miss Sinulog” and “Little Miss Sky Cable.” To date, Kelsey has nine beauty queen titles under her belt.

However, it’s Kelsey’s innate singing talent that’s going to make her a star. The moment she held the microphone at age 5 did Kelsey set the wheels of destiny in motion, eventually winning in almost all the singing contests she joined later.

Most notable among these is as first runner-up in ABS-CBN’s “Little Big Star-Cebu” tilt. Tagged as the “Singing Darling,” Kelsey wowed and endeared herself to the people who voted for her to receive the “Texters’ Choice Award.”

There was no looking back. At age 11, Kelsey held her first successful concert for the benefit of Gawad Kalinga titled, “Kelsey, ang Pasasalamat! A Little One Voice.” The singer was booked in Manila the following year to stage a benefit concert for the less fortunate children.

“One of the reasons I got into singing career is that my mom taught me to share my blessings with other people, especially to needy kids,” she explained. “She told me that if you do good things, good things will happen to you.”      

Mother was right. Just recently, Kelsey reached another milestone in her career by signing up with PolyEast Records whose executives were amazed with the teenager’s self-assured musicality and attitude.

The tracks in her debut CD titled “Definition of Cool” support the impression. “Welcome To Me” (her favourite track), “Cut That Out” (the carrier single), “Love Me Or Leave Me,” “Not Polite To Stare,” “Song About The Simple,” among others, which highlight Kelsey’s distinct voice. Most of the songs talk about the everyday concerns of teeners. That as well as the entire vibe of the album will also remind you of today’s tween superstars like Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato.    

“I want to lift up people’s spirits with my music until it reaches so high that it starts singing, too,” said she who is also into swimming and volleyball.

Asked for her thoughts about making it big in Manila, Kelsey showed open-mindedness.

“Manila is a big crowd and I don’t know if people would like my album, or if they’d accept me, but I am definitely excited to get their reaction.”

Kelsey Adams’ DEFINITION OF COOL album is now available in your favorite record stores nationwide exclusively under Polyeast Records. 

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