
Freeman Cebu Business

Finding time to manage time

BUSINESS AFTER BUSINESS - Romelinda Garces - The Freeman

In the course of our work, it is inevitable that at a certain point we get stressed. And I am sure we all have read books and articles on how to cope with it.  But have we really followed them?

Most often what stresses us are things that deal with time.  Deadlines, too many things to do at the same time, distance to certain areas that need to be reached within a particular time.  Even the lack of financial resources are bound by time because one can always find money but maybe not in the time needed.

To cope with too much to do in so short a time we extend our working hours so we can catch up with the next day’s report.  To keep us awake, a handy snack of chips and coke, or coffee and nothing, or sweets and sweeter, get our adrenaline hyped up.  When it is time to rest, you find yourself staring at the ceiling, begging God to give you a shut-eye so you can be up and about for a next day’s activities.  You toss and turn, then just as you are on the verge of sleep you remember something important, and you sit to write it down, lest you forget.  This gets you churning again, and you have to court sleep longer.

My friend Sandra always wants to plan her day.  Allocating time for all the things she has to do.  Planning is essential in managing time so that we are able to prioritize what needs to be done and not get stuck in the non-essentials.  But if you are like me, even with a planned schedule, sitting at my desk finds me toying with the other documents on it.  Then poof, I am doing something else.

Focus is important too.  With it comes discipline.  You have to center yourself back to your main agenda so that at the end of the day you have finished something and then you can reward yourself with that healthy smoothie.  Let me share one of my favorites which you can do after a busy day. I got this from a book by Maryea Flaherty who is the founder of Happy Healthy Mama, a blog that inspires healthy living.  It simply is juicing a cucumber with mint leaves which gives you a refreshing drink after a long day.  Or you can try juicing parsley with grapes.  You need not add sugar as the grapes themselves give the sweetness.

If the desk is in chaos, don’t work there because you will end up fixing and not finishing your task.  Stay where you can concentrate.

If you are lazy, then place a lazy day in your schedule so that you will have room to recalibrate.  It is unrealistic to pack each day with too much if we end up doing too little to nothing.

Good sleep and regular exercise is part of keeping schedules in line.  When we have adequate rest, and are fit, we can cope with the demands of our day.  Perhaps its time to take time to make best of our time.  I will join you in this challenge to plan, focus, eat right, sleep well and exercise.  Let’s find time to manage time and be stress free.

Have a happy heart’s month everyone.

[email protected]

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