
Freeman Cebu Business

Companies bank on innovation to attract more Sinulog crowd

Ehda Dagooc - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines - Different companies have invested into innovative branding techniques during the Sinulog festivities, trailblazing with the evolving preference of customers in appreciating advertising tools and marketing come-ons.

Aside from the usual "mar de gras" and float contest participation, installing of huge billboards, among others, few companies have put in their money in holding high-profile activities, such as lifedance, bar hopping events, product innovation fashion shows, and other novel event concepts design to entice customers' participation.

Lee Jeans, for instance, celebrated its 125 year anniversary in Cebu by holding a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Denim party, emphasizing the brand's recognition to Cebuanos' world-known creativity.

Lee Jeans held its DIY Denim Craftsmanship workshop a day before the Sinulog Grand Parade to jumpstart Lee's 125 years of craftsmanship.

The festive and colorful celebrations of Sinulog that attract foreign and local tourists and make Cebu one of the hottest places to visit during this season are few reasons why the American Jeans brand decided to invest and take part of the festive mood in Cebu.

Globe Telecom, on the other hand, installed a carnival-like exhibit at the Cebu IT Park, featuring the deployment of its mobile retail store truck, and bringing in attractive post-paid offers to the consumers to further strengthen its subscription volume, specifically in the post-paid package.

In an interview with Joe Calero, he said that the telecommunication brand Globe is relaxing its offer in terms of post paid affordability and documentary requirements for applicants. All and other enticing offers are available at its exhibit at the IT Park in time of the weeklong Sinulog Festival.

Souvenir retail chain Islands Souvenir, Inc. also puts a step forward in investing the high-profile fashion show event to stress its adoption of constant marketing innovative campaign, taking off with the introduction of "Cut & Style" your Sinulog Shirt concept.

ISI president Jay P. Aldeguer said that while the market has involved differently from the traditional retail platform, the company also has to trailblaze with the fast changing market psyche, adding that providing personalized designs and "make-your-own" design t-shirts have hit the modern market's "weakness."

ISI's "Cut & Style" (Your Sinulog T-shirt) strategy has been running for two years now.

Aldeguer said while it has hit its desired success, the company is now ready to offer this particular retail approach to other beach destinations and various festivities in the country.

Recognizing the Filipinos' inherent creativity, Islands Souvenirs is giving everyone the chance to customize their own Island Souvenirs t-shirt to wear come Sinulog or really, whenever they please," said Camille Aldeguer, ISI executive vice president.

The fashion show was held at the SM Northwing Atrium last Thursday to emphasize the company's venture into sophisticated and highly fashionable t-shirt retailing.

While the company is one of the trend-setters in the t-shirt and souvenir retail industry in the country, Aldeguer said the challenge is not just coming up with innovative ideas but more importantly rolling them out strategically to optimize the innovation.

Lee Jeans, Globe Telecom and Islands Souvenirs, Inc. are just few of the companies and brand makers that embraced the concept of innovative marketing and branding effort strategies during the high-traffic festivities, like Sinulog.

Other brands also held their own branding and marketing efforts in novel concepts to give customers much fresher and exciting activities, diversifying from traditional ways to "out-of-the-box" concepts, which the younger and more informed and active consumers are demanding for. /JMD (FREEMAN)

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