Improperly done road repair?

We received a text message yesterday about crawling traffic at the Highway in Mandaue City particularly on the north-bound lane.

The reader said that he was on his way to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) inside a mall in the area when he found himself stuck in a logjam.

We don’t know what happened about his appointment, but he said that he did not see any traffic law enforcers in the area.

The TEAM, which is the traffic body of Mandaue City, definitely knows the situation, so how come there were no enforcers? The authorities should know that although there is a love-hate relationship between them and the motorists, the love part is when they are seen helping make sense out of the traffic situation.

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When will the people in government ever learn to do road repair work much earlier and not during the start of classes?

This has been the situation since we were still in school and nothing has really changed as the years have passed. Many years that is.

How come it is so hard to learn?

By the way, we have also received many complaints about the asphalting work on the roads that seem to have been done haphazardly.

One reader said that Gen. Maxilom Ave. has been raised a few inches and vehicles, especially cars, now literally hit the road when going into Maxilom from the establishments in the area and when they cross Juana Osmeña to Raintree Mall.

We also noticed the uneven asphalt on many roads that were recently repaired including the one on the South Road Properties.

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Reader Jesson Morata sent us email and we are going to share some points of what he sent.

We hope our leaders would wake up to this.

A report came out last week that CamSur has already overtaken Cebu in as far as tourist influx in is concerned. Does this mean that Cebu has already become stale and has nothing more to offer? True or not, I think one of the most important things to consider enticing and marketing Cebu is to address basic infrastructure like our roads.

Our roads are such in a pitiful state, and how would we attract more tourists if we cannot address a necessity to drive tourism. Having a good infrastructure is just one of the many compositions for a more aggressive tourism drive. Another thing we should look into is the poor state of our mass transport system. A considerable number of our jeepneys and buses are, in strict standards, not road worthy. I am even wondering why still these vehicles are still on the roads. We have enacted laws to protect us and the environment like the Clean Air Act, but this has yet to be strictly implemented.

Unless we do something to address these snags, the dream of becoming the number one tourist destination is improbable.

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