Tents again

While the country was confused whether to celebrate or be sad about the latest result of the fight of Manny Pacquiao, the oil companies increased the pump prices of fuel surprising the motorists yesterday morning.

Well, on television, there was a report of one company increasing its prices. If we hear such news, then we should assume that all others would do the same.

This makes us ask if the Oil Deregulation Law is really working.

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A reader calling himself or maybe herself Concerned Cebuano sent this email last week. We will share it with you:

For the past few days (yesterday it was still there) there is a huge tent near Cabancalan Elem. School along ML Quezon St. in Mandaue City that has been blocking an entire lane.

The tent has big markings ARLEIGH SITOY! This is a blatant traffic hazard since it has no warning signs whatsoever. Don't tell me Mandaue's T.E.A.M.has not seen this? It is there for all to see since this is a heavily traveled road!

Also that Coke dealer along the road going to Ateneo seems unmindful of the inconvenience and hazard he has caused that area. This is a clear example of irresponsible business persons! Using a public road as your own parking/loading area?

Ayaw mo ug tuga2x negosyo nga ingon ana og di mo ka kaya magtukod og bodega! And Coke and other corporations who engage in sub-contracting their businesses should make sure first that these persons/entities wanting to get involved must have the means, logistics & area to do their business, dili nang naa ra sa kilid2x which this Coke distributor really is! Naa ra kilid sa dalan!

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The tents are really getting many motorists angry because they block the roads and cause traffic congestion aside from being obvious safety issues.

Local officials should start using some of their brains about the use of such tents. Maybe the proposed bill of Senator Miriam Santiago removing the names of politicians from projects would help put a stop to this.

Once their names are not on the tents, the politicians won’t be very interested to buy them or lend them out.

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A reader is asking if the Department of Public Works and Highways to repair the road leading to the Marcelo Fernan Bridge. The reader said that the road is in a bad shape, which gives the visitors to Cebu a bad first impression.

Many readers also asked us to write about the situation in M. Velez and Don Gil Garcia where a construction project is now ongoing. One commented that it seems the contractor is taking so long.

Another is asking when the area would be cleared of the squatters while another, is asking how come they don’t see traffic personnel helping ease the flow of vehicles.

CITOM has a lot to do and we hope it is really doing something.

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For your comments, complaints and suggestions please follow us on Twitter @NLQCebu or check the Motorists’ Corner Page on www.facebook.com.

You can also send email to nimrod@mozcom.com.

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