Organique to introduce new product lines

CEBU, Philippines - Overwhelmed by the double-digit sales increase of is antioxidant drink, the Acai Berry, Organique Inc., announced the expansion of its product lines, which will now include capsules, ready-to-drink juice sachets and slimming and whitening soap.

Organique Inc. vice president Catherine Salimbangon said that the company is investing at least P7 million to introduce additional lines for the increasing growing wellness conscious consumers in the Philippines.

The surprising surge of its flagship product the 1 liter “Acai Berry” drink owing to its wide retail network coverage via over 200 outlets Watsons, and other retail and drugstores nationwide, pushed the Cebu-based company to take advantage of the “Acai Berry” popularity that is now recognized by a growing number of Filipinos.

Its upcoming soap product provides harmless whitening ingredient Acai Berry, as well as its slimming properties. Likewise, the introduction of capsule products will be targeted to the “budget conscious” market, where in per capsule of 500 mg will only be pegged at the range of P18 to P20.

“We have to adjust our packaging to suit the Filipino’s buying preference as strong sachet market. That is why also, aside from providing capsule-base Acai Berry food supplement, we are also introducing the ready-to-drink juice to the on-the-go consumers,” Salimbangon said.

Personally endorsed by Oprah Winfrey, the Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry, claimed to be one of the most nutritious and healthiest beverages in the world, Salimbangon said.

Manufactured in California, USA the Acai Premium Blend is from the small grape-sized berry that grows in the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil. Historically, natives of the region have harvested this berry as part of their diet for hundred years.

Unlike most healthdrink supplements available in the market today, which are distributed via networking system, the Acai Berry juice is made available in traditional retail outlets.

The manufacturer of Acai Berry is one of the only four certified organic processing companies in California, USA.

She said the health and wellness consciousness is not only popular in the developed economies, but also gaining interest even in the mainstream market, regardless of products’ cost.

“What is important is consumers see the efficacy of the product and its long term health benefit. We are banking on this edge amid entry of a lot wellness products in the market today,” Salimbangon said.

The powdered Acai Berry extract will be mixed in the soap products that will be soon available in the Philippine market in the next few months, Salimbangon said.

Recently, the Global Excellence Awards Committee and the Hong Kong Asian Star Awards recognized Organique Acai Berry health drink, as the 2010 Best Health Juice in Asia.

Because of this, Salimbangon said the company is starting to develop distribution channels in other Asian countries, including the United States for the global expansion of the company. (FREEMAN)

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