LTFRB-7 hotline

We received a text message from Director Benjie Go of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB)-7 informing us of their new complaints hotline.

The number is 0906-3811565. You can text this number if you have any complaint about public transportation and no less than Dir. Go himself will respond to your complaints.

He has also started a Facebook page and LTFRB-7 will also be on Twitter soon. 

He is asking the citizenry to help him eliminate fixers and other unscrupulous characters, which can only be done with the support of the public.

We wish Dir. Go all the best in this effort and we will definitely be supporting him in whatever way that we can.

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Glenn Lim sent us email last week about his take on what he calls ‘preventable road accidents.’

Here it what he has to say:

Here’s my comments after all these preventable accidents on the roads.

After all these accidents that happened on our hi-ways and the investigations that followed, I wonder how come the posting of hi-way patrol personnel along the hi-ways is never part of the preventive measures or actions the government undertakes. It’s always just suspension of franchises, drug testing of drivers, testing of road worthiness of the remaining vehicles.  I believe that all these efforts are useless without the enforcement of traffic rules by the hi-way patrol on the road.

Hi-way patrol personnel must be ready to stop speeding vehicles the moment the violation is committed.  The only way to stop accidents is stopping them before they happen.

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Glenn has a point and the presence of policemen on the roads would also serve as a deterrent for drivers from committing moving violations especially speeding.

Even the local government units can help.

The other Sunday, we also ran smack into a trisikad that was going against the flow of traffic late at night at the Cebu South Coastal Road.

This happened right after the corner going to Laray. This is proof that the people don’t respect the law and don’t care about safety.

We were lucky to have spotted the ‘lunatic’ several meters ahead. Talisay City probably has one of the worst records in terms of implementing traffic laws.

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Another reader brought up to us the matter of motorcycle drivers, who go against the flow of traffic to avoid the traffic jams.

The reader said that he got the scare of his life when he suddenly saw a motorcycle that was running quite fast towards his vehicle.

“I was lucky that there was a space on the right lane, wa pa to nakapatay na unta kog tawo.”

This happened in Bulacao, Cebu City, he told us.

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For your comments, complaints and suggestions please feel free to contact us at 2531276 or 2538613 local 237.

You can also send email to

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