Employers cluster tackles labor management issues

CEBU, Philippines - Seeing the need to bridge employers with the labor force at these times of global economic turmoil, newly revived Employers Confederation of the Philippines-Cebu Chapter (ECOP) will focus on aligning the needs of the business sector and develop the capacity of its manpower.

ECOP was organized in 1975 pursuant to the state policy on tripartism or labor-management- government with a goal to present the employer’s sector on labor, social policy and economic issues.

It is a privately operated and non-partisan organization whose regular members are industry associations, sectoral organizations, and chambers of commerce and sustaining members are private companies, multinationals and small and medium entrepreneurs (SMEs).

During the recently held press conference, ECOP Cebu Chapter charter members told reporters the vision of their organization.

Jose T. Ng, ECOP Cebu president said that after reviving their chapter, they will immediately focus on addressing labor management-related issues that are relevant at these times of economic crisis.

“We will sit down with different sectors, chambers, and coordinate closely with DOLE to work out ways on how to compliment each other to help the interest of employers and employees,” said Ng.

He said that reviving the ECOP Cebu Chapter is but timely because there are a lot of labor management issues that are being faced by the business and labor sector especially at these times of global crisis.

“We will be more focused and specific on addressing labor and management problems and issues. It is very important and relevant to have a chapter here in Cebu being one of the most important cities in the country. Through ECOP we hope to address relevant issues and problems that employers and workers in Cebu are facing,” said Ng.

Meanwhile, Teodoro Locson, Jr. executive vice-president of ECOP Cebu chapter said that since it is the call of the times, they will try to help out in providing statistics to the Department of Labor on retrenchments and the academe to push for good labor management relationship.

He said that they will also find means and ways to provide necessary skills to the labor force so that they will know where to go if ever there are cases of retrenchments due to the impacts of the financial crisis.

“ECOP will be the one to build bridges for laborers who will be dislocated so that they can shift from one industry to another. We will also try to provide skills re-training for retrenched workers from abroad so that we can do an employment tie-up so that retrenched manpower can be taken up by other companies who need skilled workers,” said Locson who is also the general manager of PhilMetal Products Corp.

However Locson stressed that they will only help those who will really need help and employment because even at these tough times there are still some people who will take advantage of opportunities.

 “We will verify the qualifications first and the intensions of those who are seeking for employment. We will only help those who really want to work to get employment certificates which can guarantee them work. We will check from DOLE and we will match their skills with the needs of the industries,” said Locson.

After reviving the organization, ECOP Cebu will be strengthening its membership to ensure the sustainability of their organization and currently the chapter has 26 charter members.

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