Retailers urged to beef up security

CEBU, Philippines - As the economic crisis takes toll on people’s lives resulting to more and more crimes such as theft felt in retail shops, Cebu retail operators are urged to intensify security measures in their respective establishments.

Philippine Retailers Association in Cebu (PRA-Cebu) president Melanie C. Ng encourages retail outlet operators in Cebu to invest on good security tools that would prevent untoward incidents, and at the same time encourage productivity among retail traders.

PRA-Cebu, a group of 80 Cebu-based retail companies recently incorporated a talk on security in retail establishments.

Ng said issues on security among retail outlets has become a very important issue to the retailers, and the need to be very vigilant in situations that could lead to crime has been discussed thoroughly by operators with the help of government authorities, specifically the police department.

“If retailers are able to maximize security in their shops, not only will they prevent crime but increase their productivity, improve operations and enhance customer service,” said Ng.

For his part, Superintendent Pablo Labra II, Cebu City Police Office deputy director for operations, told retailers that because of the present crisis the Philippine economy is facing, many unscrupulous people have resulted to committing crimes such as shoplifting and robbery, which happen in retail shops. —Ehda M. Dagooc


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