Plan ahead before collecting

Last May 18, 2006, I gave a talk with one of our valued clients - a cooperative, based in Davao City. I was asked to give practical tips to their Credit and Collection department on how to improve collection efficiency. In my lecture, their Credit & Collection Head asked me on how to increase the performance of their field collectors.

Well to have an effective field collection, Collection Managers should really plan ahead before even sending their collectors in an actual field collection. There are about four factors that could affect collection efficiency and they are: (1) familiarity and knowledge of the collection area; (2) number of accounts or population to be collected in the given area; (3) support, collection tools and transportation facilities/ accessibility; (4) attitude, abilities and skills of the collector.

Speaking of collectors, when hiring a collector it is very important for the Credit & Collection Head to "hire for attitude and then train them for skills". I have trained a lot of collectors and for me, there are two kinds of good collectors: the effective and efficient. Both are assets in any company, but what makes the difference is their attitude.

If you are looking for collectors, you must understand that this is one of those "sensitive positions". A lot of executives made mistakes in hiring collectors as if hiring a messenger or a driver - "must know how to drive"- what's with that? An effective and efficient collector must have the ability to, and enjoy dealing with people, and be a student of human nature. A collector must be flexible, able to adjust in any situation, a collector can be friendly or tough as the situation requires. A collector must be trained to be business like and tactful. It also helps, if the collector possesses sound judgment abilities.

If you have already your collection force, the following are basic requirements to improve their collection performance. First, and the most basic is to require good grooming and sanitation. This will be of use in terms of "hostile encounters". Good grooming can "disarm" the debtor by giving a little clean pearly white-teeth smile, not to mention winning back a client.

Second, the ability and facility of expression, especially a good command of the second language. Third, a working knowledge of basic arithmetic, not necessarily accounting. Fourth, skills and personality development- there are a lot of skills, personality and leadership seminars in Cebu City, all you have to do is identify the one that is reputable and within your budget.

Remember, good collectors contribute greatly to the overall business objective of the company.

They assist sales in bringing more profits through good, collected sales. Help maintain low delinquency in receivables and contributes to a good liquidity condition.
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SEMINAR INVITATION: CIBI will have a Seminar on Managing A Collection Organization, on June 23, 2006 at Cebu Midtown Hotel. Interested participants can call 412-2248/ 2310-480. Look for Ms. Jaja Duran .
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Editor's Note: Mr. Ed F. Limtingco, is the VisMin Manager of CIBI Information, Inc., a business information and receivables management company. He can be reached at 0917-7220521 or at

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