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Nov 01 (over a year ago)
Like any school, funding can make or break the quality of education. For polytechnic schools, a bigger budget means greater facilities for skills training.
What does a well-funded polytechnic institute look like in other countries?
Apr 28 (over a year ago)
The creation of public libraries and improvement of existing ones all over the country, including those in public schools, is a must as these establishments are important in thwarting disinformation and the proliferation of fake news in social media.
Mar 17 (over a year ago)
Students may find themselves not worrying about paying off their loans immediately in times of calamities if a bill authorizing a moratorium on student loans turns into law.
Feb 03 (over a year ago)
Filipinos have increasingly developed aspirations to study overseas — and eventually work there — despite the sky-high tuition costs or limited scholarship opportunities reserved for a lucky few.
Feb 03 (over a year ago)
Newly-elected Philippine Marketing Association (PMA) President Sy Bryan D. Lato will push for initiatives and collaborations that will increase Filipino marketers’ knowledge of the application of Web3 technology in marketing.