Why is Android named after desserts?

@cualala via Twitter: Why is Android named after desserts?

GadgetMatch: There really isn’t an official explanation from Google. Back in 2011, Google spokesperson Randall Sarafa told CNN, “It’s kind of like an internal team thing, and we prefer to be a little bit – how should I say – a bit inscrutable in the matter, I’ll say.”

He adds, “The obvious thing is that, yeah, the Android platform releases, they go by dessert names and by alphabetical order for the most part.”

Following two internal betas, the first public release of Android was Cupcake 1.5 in 2009 the latest is version 6.0 Marshmallow. Here’s an illustration of all Android versions from Cupcake to Marshmallow by GadgetMatch creative director Chay Lazaro.

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