AGSB raises the bar in IT training

The Ateneo Graduate School of Business’ Center for Continuing Education (CCE) has absorbed the short course offerings of the Ateneo Information Technology Institute (AITI).

With the CCE’s expertise in management courses and AITI’s mastery of information technology, CCE and AITI expect to dominate IT management training with the offering of total business solutions.

Bestsellers at AITI will continue to be offered, while other courses will be retooled to incorporate the needs of the business sector in both IT and general management. This will ensure more effective and compelling courses attuned to changing market needs.

Database management will now be harnessed to supplement effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

MS Project will be used in project management courses. Accounting courses will be enhanced with an IT component, using easily accessible software such as Microsoft Excel, for "Automating Your Accounting System."

Data analysis programs will supplement the Marketing Research offering. Webpage development will now form part of Effective Marketing Communication and Direct Marketing courses.

The Advance Executive Assistant course will help participants organize work, prioritize tasks and successfully manage duties and responsibilities using IT tools. Technical courses which have done well will continue such as Ethical Hacking.

There are also software development courses in state-of-the-art languages such as JAVA or CNET. Further collaborations and offerings will be announced soon.

In the recent CHED-FAPE study of 199 MBA schools, the Ateneo Graduate School of Business was ranked No. 1. It is also the recipient of the Thomas Kennedy Award for quality excellence in its MBA offerings.

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