resumé database tops 100,000

The Philippine website of now has over 100,000 applicant resumés in its database, proof of the leading Internet job site’s exploding popularity barely a year after its entry into the local market.

Statistics show that resumés registered with breached the 100,000th mark last October, just over a year after the premier online job center was established in September 1999.

Interestingly, figures indicate that Philippine resumé deposits are nearly equally divided between male and female applicants, with almost 75 percent being submitted by the 21-30 age bracket.

Based on the applicants’ educational backgrounds, the top fields of study include:

Business Studies/Administration/Management
Computer Science/Information Technology
Computer/Telecommunication Engineering
Electrical/Electronic Engineering
Mass Communications
Humanities/Liberal Arts

In addition to its Philippine site, maintains a strong presence in Malaysia, Singapore and India with local sites listing job openings. It also operates registration sites in China, Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Thailand.

At present, has some 500,000 registered global users and offers over 10,000 jobs a month from some of the world’s biggest conglomerates and multinationals. Page views per month total 18 million, with the Philippine site posting about two million page views.
is among the most visited Internet career hubs in the Asia-Pacific, standing out from the competition with an array of cutting-edge technological features and facilities providing end-to-end employment services. These include automated job matching and job alert assistance for applicants and computerized resumé management functions for employers.

The website’s popularity also got a huge boost by its winning the Trust-e seal of approval, which guarantees absolute confidentiality of resumés and other information submitted by registered jobseekers.

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