Group names Albay as ecology champion

MANILA, Philippines – The Green Convergence Philippines (GCP) has named Albay as “Ecology Champion,” the first province to win the newly launched award for its effective environment policies and ecologically sound tourism program.

GCP is a coalition of organizations and individuals promoting environment protection and economic development.

It aims to preserve nature and mitigate climate change.

In a letter to Albay Gov. Joey Salceda announcing Albay’s award, GCP president Angelina Galang stressed the province’s “implementation of and compliance with various Philippine environmental laws sum up to good governance and best practices which can be replicated by other local government units.”

Salceda was credited for pioneering the Albay Green Economy, anchored on the principles of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.

He tripled the province’s mangrove area from 700 to 2,400 hectares and expanded forest cover by 88 percent from 26,000 to 44,000 hectares from 2008 to 2014.

Salceda’s administration has also been globally hailed for its firm commitment to climate change adaptation and mitigation.

The governor is set to receive Albay’s award during the First Environment Summit on Feb. 9 at the SMX Convention Center, Pasay City.

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