The case for natural anti-virals

The good news is that natural medicine can save your life. If a pandemic strikes, Tamiflu supplies will be tightly controlled. Unless you're an emergency worker or a health care worker, your chances of ever being given Tamiflu are rather slim. Vaccines, of course, will be utterly useless once the influenza virus mutates, so even receiving a vaccine shot offers no protection other than what's available through the placebo effect.

This leaves natural medicine and the world of anti-viral plants.

People must be informed of the fact that plants manufacture their own anti-viral medicines.

There's no such thing as a plant that does not contain anti-viral medicine. Every plant on our planet manufactures at least one anti-viral medicine in its own cells.

This is because plants are under constant attack by viruses, too. And if they don't create their own internal mechanisms for dealing with viruses, they will not survive.

This is especially true with plant roots, which are immersed in soil rich with both bacteria and viruses. If those roots do not possess anti-viral and anti-bacterial defenses, they will quickly be consumed and destroyed, killing the plant.

Thus, in virtually all plants, the manufacture of anti-viral medicines is the most natural thing in the world. It happens from day one of the plant sprouting, and it continues through the entire life of the plant.

Simply eating grass is, by itself, an empowered act of medical self treatment. Grass contains anti-viral compounds, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and hundreds of other health-enhancing phytochemicals.

There are other plants, of course, with far greater anti-viral potential than grass. If you have a lawn, you have a pharmacy in your yard.

Wild foods offer the strongest anti-viral medicine. That’s a whole different area of expertise, of course.

The top five anti-virals…

Anti-Viral #1 – Super ViraGon

A favorite liquid anti-viral product remains Jon Barron's Super ViraGon –  a potent combination of garlic, olive leaf extract (a powerful anti-viral), onion, ginger, zinc and other nutrients. One can keep this in a personal emergency supply of natural medicine.

Anti-Viral #2 – Fitura PowerImmune

The PowerImmune anti-viral tincture combines organic Echinacea, Cat's Claw, Shiitake Mushroom, Olive Leaf and many other ingredients (all organic). This is another “medicine chest” product one should keep in good supply.

Anti-Viral #3 – Lomatium Dissectum

This product is the “secret” anti-influenza herb that very few people know about, even in the natural health industry.

The root of the Lomatium is perhaps Mother Nature’s “perfect” anti-influenza herb because its anti-viral action is combined with a respiratory clearing action that’s especially useful for dealing with the secondary infections caused by many strains of influenza.

The indigenous American Indians grew Lomatium and used it as medicine.

Anti-Viral #4 – HerbPharm Virattack Compound

HerbPharm offers an herbal tincture that combines it with St. John's Wort (also a powerful anti-viral), lemon balm, olive leaf and other powerful anti-viral herbs.

This is a superb combination, really powerful in defending against influenza infections.

Anti-Viral #5 – Olive Leaf Extract

One taste of real olive life extract and you’ll be convinced this is powerful stuff. The best-known phytochemical in olive leaves is oleuropein, a very potent antimicrobial medicine that also has natural anti-viral properties.

One can personally like the liquids better, but the taste is a big turn off for most consumers. If you’re not into chugging really bizarre-tasting liquids, go with the capsules instead.

Ideally, your best way to have this medicine nearby is to grow your own olive trees. To make the medicine, just gather leaves from the trees, wash them, add them to a large container of water and boil it into a concentrate. This liquid can be consumed internally or used topically.


Nothing mentioned in this report has been scientifically proven to protect humans from H1N1 Influenza A.

Then again, neither has Tamiflu or any vaccine in the world. In fact, nothing in this report will ever be proven effective against any particular viral strain, because doing so would immediately cause these products to be considered “drugs” by health authorities, thereby restricting them from public purchase.

Always consult with a naturopathic physician before using any medicinal product. Exercise caution when using products for the first time, and pay attention to proper dosing recommendations.

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