Promoting responsible sexuality via comics

To prevent the rising cases of teenage pregnancy in the country, the Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (POGS) recently launched a comic book that aims to teach teenagers about responsible sexuality.

The comic book is part of the Adolescent Health Issues and Perspectives (AHIP), a program that aims to teach sexual development to elementary and high school students.

The AHIP represents POGS’ firm stand and commitment to save young women from the dangers of teenage pregnancy. 

Launched in 2004, AHIP’s main tool is TxT (Teens Expressing Themselves), a school-based enhanced module for teaching teens about responsible sexuality. This strategy makes use of multimedia and community-based lectures for the awareness and education of students. 

“The program advocates abstinence, emphasizing that irresponsible sexuality can cause irreparable damage to young lives,” said Dr. Rosendo Roque, AHIP project director. 

Also present during the launch were POGS officers led by their president, Dr. Corazon Zaida Gamilla. 

The AHIP is being conducted in Metro Manila and other key cities nationwide. So far, the program has reached 56,500 students in 118 schools. 

To send the message more effectively, POGS created the AHIP comic book, a spin-off from the TxT module. 

As a medium of information, comic books have a high acceptance rate among teenagers, not to mention a creative way of presenting a sensitive topic such as sexuality.

The comic book addresses problems regarding adolescent health care and issues that are associated to the life of a growing teenager.

Topics contained in the comic book are Adolescent Health and Development, Myths and Misconceptions About Sex, The Risk Takers, Guidance and Interventions; and Feminine Hygiene. 

The comic book is being distributed to different schools around the country.

The AHIP is supported by Sanofi-Aventis Phils., maker of Lactacyd Confidence.

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