Simple ways to reduce eyestrain

The US National Eye Institute recently reported that vision and eye health problems are the second most prevalent and chronic health problem in the US, affecting more than 120 million people.

As more and more people continue to embrace the digital lifestyle, they are constantly looking at more screens throughout the day.

From the computer at work to PDAs and mobile phones to television, prolonged viewing of displays can cause eyestrain. And as temperatures get colder, people are more likely to spend more hours in front of the computer and television.

To help consumers enhance their overall wellness at home and at work, Philips recently teamed up with Dr. Robert Maloney, head of the Maloney Vision Institute in the US, to develop simple tips to reduce eyestrain and promote healthier vision when using devices with screens.

For instance, consumers can avoid visual fatigue by following the 20-20-20 rule. Experts recommend that you give your eyes a break every 20 minutes by looking at objects 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This exercise gives the eyes the much-needed relaxation.

Blink often to lubricate your eyes or use an eye drop. Maloney suggests refreshing the eyes by placing your hands over your closed eyelids without applying pressure because the warmth of your hands will relax and rest eye muscles.

Maloney added that consumers could also alleviate eyestrain by evaluating their home theaters and primary viewing rooms. To calculate optimal viewing distance from the television, he said simply multiply the diagonal size of the screen by 1.5. For example, consumers with a 32" TV should arrange their seating 1.2 meters away from the display.

Lighting adjustment is also important to avoid eyestrain, Maloney stressed. Lights in the room should be about 50 percent dimmer than that on the TV screen and should not reflect on the screen or cause glare. He suggests covering windows with blinds and using lights that are less bright.

A backlit TV such as Philips Ambilight can help ease eye fatigue and strain. Studies show that a well-balanced amount of light behind the TV set can reduce the range of motion of the iris muscle for a more relaxed viewing.

Ambilight backlighting is a unique backlighting technology offered by Philips. It analyzes – in real time – the incoming TV signals and projects lighting onto the wall behind the set, enveloping the viewing environment in colors that match the on-screen content.

The Ambilight feature effect is projected from the back of the TV and automatically changes colors and intensifies to match the picture on the screen. Aside from reducing eyestrain, it also provides enhanced picture quality and immerses viewers in the action. Even the US Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers has long endorsed backlighting as the best way to view programming.

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