Pascual Lab launches new drug to mark 60th year

In the continuing celebration of their 60th anniversary, Pascual Laboratories is launching its own brand of ofloxacin, a widely tested and clinically proven antibacterial agent.

Years of extensive clinical experience have demonstrated ofloxacin’s efficacy in eradicating a wide range of microorganisms which cause upper and lower respiratory tract infections, urinary, and reproductive tract infections.

Several studies have proven ofloxacin’s efficacy over other antibiotics.

A study comparing ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin, another antibacterial agent, showed that ofloxacin is more active in urethral chlamydia infections, and pulmonary infections.

Aside from the drug’s efficacy, the Pascual’s brand of ofloxacin is more affordable compared to other ofloxacin brands.

This economical pricing encourages full-dose compliance among patients, lessening the chances of antibiotic resistance and increasing the rate of successful therapeutic outcomes.

The introduction of a new ofloxacin is part of Pascual Laboratories’ commitment to relentlessly pursue quality, innovation and excellence for the service of Filipino patients.

Over the years, its product lines have rapidly expanded and evolved from medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis and vitamin deficiency, to more than100 products with 300 presentations in various therapeutic classes.

Ofloxacin is the newest member of the company’s long line of medicines which carries the Pascual Laboratories’ tradition of quality, innovation and excellence.

Ofloxacin is a prescription product. Patients are advised to seek a doctor’s prescription before using the drug.

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