Maximizing PR to sell real estate

With the rise in the real estate industry and increased competition, developers are driving marketers harder than ever to find and open new markets here and overseas. Now, a new course from ITMC will provide a whole new Real Estate PR toolkit for marketing practitioners who are looking for innovative ways of maximizing their budgets.

The course is called “Transformative PR 101 for the Real Estate Industry” and will feature: Old vs. new tools in Promotions; Selling to the Overseas Market Using New Media; Managing Developer and Property Reputation; Communicating in Times of Crisis; Impacting Location Desirability; Identifying and Managing Key Opinion Leaders and Stakeholders; Useful Tools; Case Studies; Workshop

The Institute of Transformative Marketing Communications (ITMC) is an organization dedicated to bringing powerful new pr and marketing concepts to South East Asia. The workshop will be held on April 25, 2008 at the Diamond Hotel on Roxas Blvd. in Manila.

Seating is limited and advanced reservation is required. For inquiries, get in touch with the Institute of Transformative Marketing Communications at +632 8128828 or +639175354624 or log on at or send an email at

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