Living among Landmarks

Landmarks are truly unique. They give cities an undeniable sense of character. The Statue of Liberty frames the New York City skyline from the Atlantic Ocean. The Opera House defines the Sydney coastline, while the Eiffel Tower stands as the most recognizable spot in Paris.

Here in the Philippines, how many families can claim that their home is situated within unique landmarks? Perhaps, not many, or none at all.

Families that reside within South Forbes Golf City’s newest project, Châteaux de Paris, can claim that they not only live in modern French castles but also enjoy this community’s unique landmarks. Members of this privileged community will definitely be proud to live among landmarks inspired by the history and beauty of Paris.

The six landmarks in Châteaux de Paris are all important components of the community’s stunning landscaping, which reinterprets 18th century French garden design traditions during the reign of King Louis XIV. Gardens during his time were often characterized by grandeur, built to impress and showcase a high degree of wealth and power.

Châteaux de Paris features distinctly French allée or alleys bordered by trees or clipped hedges. Allees intersect in acute angles and if viewed from above resemble a goose-foot, much like the master plan of Paris if viewed from above. The allees, along with the canals and reflecting pools, not only lend a strong visual effect but also make it comfortable for residents to walk to the nearest pocket park or even the clubhouse to recharge with family and friends.

From the main gate, the first visible landmark will be The Clock Tower, the centerpiece of The Grand Garden at the very center of the property. From The Grand Garden, four different allees radiate out towards the other five unique landmarks. Two reflection ponds and beautiful gardens border The Clock Tower, from which Châteaux de Paris residents can look after their territory.

The next four landmarks are as visually stunning. The French Pavilion lies at the allee North of The Grand Garden. Its circular dome offers ample seats and benches for residents to while away the time. The South allee leads towards The Theatre, as inspired by French outdoor theatres common during the 18th century. Creative performances can be staged by families at its elevated platform to the delight of their neighbors.

The Green Hall lies along the East allee. It features a tree-lined hallway that leads towards a central water fountain and a feature wall. Its open lawns are multi-purpose spaces for recreation and play. An interesting landmark, The Orangery, lies at the West allee’s end. It was inspired by the orangeries that cultivated the then exotic orange fruit from East Asia in the 18th century. Since the Philippines is a tropical country, The Orangery will likely feature the local citrus dayap.

To live among the landmarks of Châteaux de Paris and to know more about the free golf membership offered exclusively to all South Forbes residents, call 635-7777 or 631-8855 or visit

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