Generika: Truly attentive to every Filipino’s healthcare needs


MANILA, Philippines - Since the first Generika Drugstore opened in May 2004, Generika has emerged as the most consistently service-oriented and customer-friendly drugstore chain.  Generika’s knack for coming up with ways to better serve customers is born of a true passion for service and attentiveness to the needs of every Filipino.  With its latest innovative feature MedPadala, Generika proves that this attentiveness extends even to Filipinos abroad.

Through MedPadala, OFWs and bread winners in the urban areas can now allot a portion of the money they send home specifically for medicine, without having to worry that it will be used for other things.  MedPadala is a unique electronic gift check that can be used only at Generika Drugstores.  The gift certificate is purchased online or at Generika outlets, a PIN and password are sent to the customer via SMS and email.  The customer can then send these codes to their loved ones who can then use them to buy meds or medical supplies at any Generika outlet. 

It is very human to prioritize immediate needs, and for most, medicine is not a “top of mind” concern until something actually happens that requires it.  That’s why it is not uncommon to hear of OFWs who send large amounts of hard earned money home, only to have family contact them soon after with a health crisis that requires more money.

Unlike most conventional gift certificates, MedPadala e-GCs have no expiration date.  They don’t need to be used in a single transaction, and can be consumed as needed over several visits.  The PIN and password can be passed around to multiple users and for as long as balance remains on the PIN, they can continue to use it to make purchases.  As long as the buyer of MedPadala EGC has registered online, he can track the usage of his beneficiary of the EGC. He can see when the GC was used, how much was used, how much remains and at which outlet.

Because of these features and the fact that they can only be used for medicine and medical supplies, they act a lot like a very affordable insurance policy.  When you send a MedPadala e-GC, you have a great deal of assurance that it will be spent as it should be, when it is most needed.



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