Being smart is every kid's business: Purefoods-Hormel invests in children's healthy lifestyle

MANILA, Philippines - Who is a smart kid? Is he the one who always solves the math problems in less than 10 seconds? Is he the one who, in a wink of an eye, can rattle off all the capital cities of all the countries in the whole wide world? Is he the one who gets a report card with a straight “line of nine” at the end of every grading period? 

Is being smart all about excelling in academics? No. Scholars and scientists have long found out that there are other ways of being smart. One kid may not be good in numbers but he can best express himself in the arts. Another child may labor hard enough to remember that a capybara is the biggest rodent in the world but he will always remember why it is important to have a big heart all the time. Why so? Intelligence is not the monopoly of everything that can be quantified. There are multiple intelligences.

It helps to realize that being smart is every kid’s business. And being smart means knowing that there are multiple intelligences. 

According to reports, a cognitive and education professor at the Harvard University named Howard Gardner developed a theory of multiple intelligences in 1983. He actually classified them into specialization that one person can have in abundance. Linguistic intelligence is a kid’s innate ability to learn the nuances of the language including syntax and grammar. Logical or mathematical intelligence is one’s supreme ability to deal with numbers and reasoning. Spatial intelligence is the immense sensitivity to understand images and directions. Musical intelligence is all about the gift of rhythm and the ability to analyze tones and pitch. Body-kinesthetic intelligence is the ability to control body movement with grace and flair. Interpersonal intelligence is shown by a smart kid who exhibits leadership qualities. Intrapersonal intelligence is the inborn talent of a person who is good at self-reflection and who displays talent in setting goals and achieving them. Naturalist intelligence is displayed by an individual who understand with ease the natural world—from biology to zoology, anthropology to geology. And lastly, existential intelligence as shown by people who have a massive understanding of life, death and after-life.

With all these multiple intelligences, Purefoods-Hormel, through its product Purefoods Fun Nuggets, acknowledges that children can be sharp and smart in different ways. In fact, it recently launched its advocacy called “My Body Smarts and Fun Nuggets,” which the company launched in partnership with the Department of Education to help children in developing their “body smarts” and encourage them to live an active and healthy lifestyle.

Majority-owned by San Miguel Purefoods Corp., Purefoods-Hormel is the largest producer and marketer of processed meats in the Philippines.

Education Undersecretary Dr. Yolanda Quijano along with Purefoods-Hormel’s assistant vice president and marketing director Jose Gabriel Cruz and product manager CJ Perea, unveiled the advocacy campaign of Purefoods Fun Nuggets.

In her keynote speech, Quijano thanked Purefoods Fun Nuggets for spearheading such an advocacy, which promotes the student’s physical well-being and development.

It is said that a child is considered “body smart” if he does extremely well in sports, dancing or any activity which demands physical strength, agility, coordination and stamina. They love to play and win in competitive games and enjoy physical exercises. They are always on the go, lively and vibrant.

“What we want the children to know is that they are all smart. They just have to identify areas where they excel, what skills they have and focus on developing those skills and talents by living a healthy lifestyle and eating nutritious foods especially those which are rich in protein,” Perea told The STAR.

Cruz, on the other hand, said, “Many foods contain protein but the best sources are fish, beef and poultry. Protein builds up, maintains, and replaces the tissues in our body. Fortunately, Purefoods Fun Nuggets is dedicated to support the physical development and well-being of the students. It is now loaded with protein, which will give children an extra boost so they can perform all their daily activities full of energy. Our products also come in fun and exciting shapes that will surely entice children to eat and live healthy.”

Cruz added: “Some kids today would rather stay in front of their computers and play basketball online than play it in a real basketball court or skip meals just to watch their favorite TV shows. Our advocacy is all about teaching the children the value and importance of being active, lively and vibrant using their own ‘body smarts’.”

The campaign targets over 20,000 students from Grades 1 and 2 of selected schools in NCR. Purefoods Fun Nuggets will use amusing and very engaging activity books to effectively explain to the students the significance of knowing and developing their own “body smarts.”

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