Manny Pacquiao, a Global Village Champion

MANILA, Philippines - Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao, the Saranggani Congressman, world champion in eight different divisions, the world’s best pound-for-pound boxer and one-time recording artist has just earned another title even before his big match this November, and it promises to put him up against the biggest opponent he’s ever faced: world hunger.

Manny Pacquiao has signed on as a Champion with the Global Village Champions Foundation, a non- profit organization whose goal is to feed the hungry. In this he joins the ranks of other Champions such as Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, basketball legend Michael Jordan, international singing sensation Celine Dion, and Academy Award-winning actor Jon Voight to name a few. But the Champion Manny Pacquiao has the most in common with would have to be the GVCF’s first Champion, Muhammad Ali.

Founded by much-awarded humanitarian and former music mogul and sports manager, Yank Barry, the GVCF held its first mission in 1991 in Mexico with Barry’s long-time friend and boxing legend, Muhammad Ali, where they fed hundreds of children.

“I called Muhammad,” Barry recalls. “And I said, ‘Ali, let’s go feed some kids.’ Muhammad and I started feeding kids quietly.”

From that first feeding mission with just a couple of friends, volunteers, and trucks full of food including Barry’s own investment in VitaPro — a soy-based meat substitute — grew a humanitarian organization — a village —that spans over 50 countries. And as of this month, the Philippines has put forward their own Champion in the form of Manny Pacquiao.

“It just has to be Manny Pacquiao,” he says. “If it wasn’t Manny, we wouldn’t be sitting here talking. We’re going to build that hospital in Saranggani. That we will definitely do, as long as there’s a Muhammad Ali wing.”

He is banking on the Saranggani Congressman’s ability to draw in not only interest in the project, but also to boost membership.

The Villagers are volunteers who sign-up with the GVCF from all walks of life. Some have special skills like doctors, nutritionists, and the like, but most are just regular people. The thing they all have in common, however, is that they each want to contribute to the betterment of their fellow man. “I believe in doing well by doing good.” Barry is often heard saying. “We’re not a charitable institution. We don’t ask for donations. Instead, we do membership drives. How it works is there’s a $10 or P490 membership fee, and all of that goes to feeding hungry kids, including those right here in the Philippines.”

As rewarding as that already is, there is also a special incentive for those who might still be on the fence:

“If you become a Global Village member for $10 or P490, every week, Manny will draw a pair of airline tickets, VIP seats to the fight, seats to the weigh-in, $1,000 cash in spending money, suites at Circus Circus hotel and limousine service to and from the fight. All of the money that’s raised will stay in the country where it’s raised. If the Philippines raises more money than anyone, they are going to feed more children and help more people,” he said.

Barry emphasized, however, that it is not a lottery. “There is no gaming or chance involved. The $10 that supports the cause is not a donation. You are becoming a Global Villager. In appreciation, we are giving you prizes that you can win. The Global Village Champions Foundation’s goal is to feed a billion hungry people. To date we have fed over 515 million. We’re halfway there and we need your help to make the other half.”

And with that, the call is given, and Manny Pacquiao has answered the call. Read up on the Global Village Champions Foundation and how to become a Villager yourself at their website at

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