Discover new prosperity in 2009

Year 2009 is turning out to be one of the bleakest years in recent memory. Businesses are downsizing, consumers are spending less, markets may be heading into recession – it’s really not an ideal time to start an enterprise or business venture. On the surface, this might be true. But, on the other hand, this does not necessarily apply to everyone.

“There will be winners and losers in 2009. Winners understand that when the rest of the market is panicking and nurturing a negative attitude, new opportunities are around the corner waiting to be grabbed. Instead of simple and surface cost-cutting, they will reinvent their company’s offering and business system and bring their companies to the next level of prosperity,” said Chiqui Escareal-Go, managing director of Mansmith and Fielders, the company that will spearhead 2009’s most awaited and groundbreaking seminar dubbed as “New Prosperity: Prosper During Challenging Times.” The forum will be held on Feb. 9, 2009 , from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the ballroom of Hotel Intercontinental and on February 11, from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Marriot Hotel, Cebu.

“This forum is groundbreaking since it joins together two of the country’s most sought-after speakers with two distinct specialization in a rare tandem. Josiah Go is known for marketing strategies, while Francis Kong is known for leadership and encouragement-boosting techniques in the workplace,” said Chiqui. “Both of them decided to team up to share new insights to businessmen, entrepreneurs and executives. Hopefully, what they reveal in the forum can help save jobs and start the year right by creating a positive atmosphere for the Philippines.”

The two speakers will offer insights on how to address the concerns of businessmen and combine the hard and soft skill needed to produce winners in both the marketplace and the workplace. They will challenge the company and the individual to maximize their potential for it is only when their goals and attitudes are aligned that true synergy can be attained.

With this, Go will talk about the latest and most revolutionary concept in marketing discipline, “Market-driving Strategies: How to grow when your market does not” while Kong’s topic will revolve around “Dealing and leading during difficult times: Beyond simple and surface cost-cutting measures.”

There will be an early-bird rate and group discounts. For inquiries and registration, e-mail:, text 0918-81-168-88, or call 722-2318, 727-7142 or 412-0034 or visit the website at

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