Together in good times

It was a sentimental night as Goodwill Bookstore led by its president and chief executive officer Ma. Teresa Cancio-Suplico together with children Joanna and Tommy, chief operating officer Joanne Cruz and advertising and promotions head Ruth Rodriguez marked their 70 years of dedicated service and integrity through the celebration of its anniversary, at the Rockwell Tent.

Focusing on the present while tracing the company’s past, which was established in 1938 by Don Manuel Y. Cancio and wife Doña Juana, it showed how the company helped produce outstanding scholars in the field of arts and how the Goodwill Bookstore management and staff work in camaraderie with one another.

Highlight of the occasion was the recognition of the pillars of Goodwill Bookstore and its inclusion in the Guinness World Record for the most number of people to balance books on their heads simultaneously.

The event likewise marked the 30th anniversary of Katha Publishing Company.

The exciting festivities saw friends, relatives and special guests having a wonderful time watching flamenco dance numbers by the Colegio San Agustin students as well as the Grupo de Baile Andaluz while savoring the flavorful aroma and taste of Amoroso Brandy which is Spain’s premier brandy. Congratulations!

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