Retooling Pantabangan toward progress and modernization

Pantabangan is no different from other overlooked communities in the country. Neglected for long years, Mayor Romeo Borja vowed to push his town toward progress and modernization.

Being a first termer, Borja wants to erase the stigma of complacency and nonchalance, which stalled the town’s progress and self-sufficiency.

“The town’s coffer was empty. I inherited debts and I am now carrying the burden of repaying all of those debts,” Borja said.

Through hard work and perseverance, Borja has created programs and projects that benefit the townsfolk. First on his agenda was the creation of jobs for the unemployed.

“I approached the rich and asked them if they are interested to set up business here.There are also foreign and local investors who are interested to locate in Pantabangan,’’ Borja said.

The mayor narrated that a number of firms have already talked to him about setting up business in the area.

He said when the Pantabangan dam was constructed, the residents were displaced. They had to sell their lands at a low price to give way for widening and modernizing the dam. Others moved to other towns.

For his townmates who could not be employed in his town, he recommends them to his former colleagues in the private sector in Metro Manila.

The local government of Pantabangan is now building infrastructure projects that will soon benefit the residents.

A P480 million elementary school building is now in place with funding support from the Special Education fund, augmented by local tax collection.

There are three national high schools, thanks to his predecessor. Borja, however, donated the land where one building was constructed because that is a requirement from SEF. These school buildings are some of the few most modern buildings in the country today — fully equipped with DVD, CD players and computers in every classroom. There is a separate Home Economics building and structures for vocational courses. Plying the school campuses are jeepneys which were also provided by his administration.

With a population of almost 25,000, Borja said the municipal board through his initiative gives seed capital for any small business his constituents would like to venture on.

When harvest time comes, there are people in charge to collect payment and they are the ones who market the produce, deduct the loans plus a minimal interest and the remainder all go to the producers. In turn, upon payment of the loan, they can loan again. New entrepreneurs are also given capital. This scheme is proving to be a success, Borja enthused.

People from neighboring towns now go to Pantabangan to buy essential goods they need which are comparatively cheap.

With zero crime rate, people can promenade in the town plaza or go see the Pantabangan dam to smell the invigorating wind. Plans are afoot to make this quaint little  town into a tourist destination.

Borja’s secret that endears him to his townmates is simple. As long as there are things to be done, he sees to it that they are finished at a specified deadline time. The things he is doing for the common people is most important to him.

“If you give service which is half-hearted, the finished product is also half done,” he said. “Kahit anong project ang ginagawa ko, parang napaka-simple lang dahil I know the good Lord is watching me.”

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