3- fruit vinegar

As vinegars go in Nueva Vizcaya, Tatang’s tops them all with the number of fruits used in its production.

"I am the only manufacturer that makes use of three different fruits. Others use only one, either mango or banana or pineapple," said LLM Trading proprietor Luningning Malabanan.

Named after Malabanan’s father, Rodolfo Laygo who came up with the formulation, Tatang’s vinegar has been further enhanced with the help of the Department of Science and Technology’s Region 2 office.

"My first sample did not pass DoST standards because I was not doing it scientifically. I was using the hit and miss technique. The DoST taught me the proper fermentation method, using the acetator, which accelerates fermentation, as well as other equipment that measures the acidity and sugar content of the vinegar," said Malabanan.

LLM Trading began producing vinegar at the rate of 3,000 liters a day in a five-by-six-meter factory. Its market is the whole of Region 2, the same market for earlier ventures in the production of crispy pig rind (chicharon) and pastillas.

"This time, I have abundant raw materials to work with. During the peak season of mango, for example, the price per kilo of mango goes down to as low as P1. Farmers don’t have a lot of choices. They either sell it at that price or their produce would rot. I am now another market for the farmers," Malabanan said.
Today, LLM Trading is looking outside Region 2 to sell its vinegar.

"With my current production and margins, I will not be able to make money unless I bring my product to a much bigger market like Metro Manila or outside the Philippines ," said Malabanan.

In preparation for entering the Metro Manila market, LLM Trading is upgrading its factory.

"I am putting in P100,000 in additional capital for the factory. I will raise the money on my own. Borrowing from the bank is not an option because of the high interest rate," said Malabanan.

A potential problem is the price differential between Tatang’s and commercial vinegar. Tatang’s 320 ml. bottle retails for P30 while a similarly-sized commercial vinegar sells for P8.

"It all comes down to health. My vinegar has not been chemically treated. It is 100% organic and is good for you," said Malabanan.

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