Metrobank starts UITF campaign

The Metropolian Bank and Trust Co. (Metrobank) launched a series of fora recently designed to educate the public on the nature and benefits of unit investment trust funds (UITFs).

UITFs was formerly known as common trust funds (CTFs) until the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) instituted changes in the country’s banking system. One of these was the adjustment to the marked-to-market (M2M) process of accounting earnings.

The forum included the basics of investing, how to start an investment program, an economic briefing, and an open discussion to answer questions from participants.

"We will also provide prospective clients a wide variety of investment instruments in US dollar or peso, depending on their needs," Josefina Sulit, Metrobank trust officer and executive vice president said.

Whether it’s for achieving a definite investment goal, gaining access to high-yielding investment outlets via lower minimum participation or building up funds for education, travel plans and other major expenses, Metrobank has a UITF product that addresses the needs of each market segment with different risk appetites and investment horizons.

"The Metrobank Trust Banking Group is steered by the best financial managers and analysts, backed by up-to-the minute market research, and armed with state of the art trust and asset management software," Sulit added.

The forum started last Sept. 27 at the Vivere Suites in Alabang Business District. Other schedules are Oct. 13 in Bacolod City, and the following day in Iloilo. It will run until December in key areas around the country.

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