More and more cars using LPG

More motorists are converting their vehicles to run on liquified petroleum gas (LPG), drawn by short- and long-term cost-saving benefits of using the cheaper and cleaner-burning alternative fuel.

The experience of large taxi fleet operators has convinced many, including private car owners, that they can save money on fuel and maintenance costs by switching to LPG or autogas.

Many switchers have found out the negligible loss in power is more than made up for by smoother engine operation, longer maintenance intervals, less wear on parts. They also have the satisfaction of knowing they are helping keep the air clean and pollution-free.

Many have also been encouraged to switch because major oil companies, led by Petron, have increased the number of stations and outlets where autogas is dispensed safely to LPG-powered vehicles.

Petron has been in the forefront of LPG use for automobiles. The local pioneer of selling LPG to households for cooking, Petron has a long experience of safe handling, transporting, and dispensing of LPG.

Even before it launched the Petron Xtend autogas, Petron has been providing LPG to large taxi fleet operators in Cebu and Metro Manila.

Last year, Petron invested P50 mil-on more for its autogas-LPG program in support of the environmental polices of the government for cleaner fuels and to help meet the expanding demand for LPG among motorists.

At the same time, the company also spent P59-million to upgrade firefighting facilities at its Bataan Refinery that ensures stable and adequate supply of Petron fuel products, including Petron Xtend, for its customers nationwide.

Today, Petron has the most ex-tensive network of stations among major oil companies dispensing autogas with more than 13 stations selling Petron Xtend spread all over Metro Manila to make it more con-venient to LPG-using motorists.

In Visayas and Mindanao, Petron Xtend will soon be available in 3 stations with LPG pumps.

Petron Xtend is a mixture of hyd-rocarbons composed mainly of 60-70 percent propane and 40-30 percent butane which, when pressurized, becomes a liquid. It is in this form that it is pumped into the vehicle’s LPG-fuel tank.

Compared to gasoline, Petron Xtend has a higher octane content re-sulting in clean-burning characte-ristics. When released into the engine, it becomes pure gas resulting in more efficient combustion. With the proper LPG-conversion kit, Petron Xtend delivers almost the same performance as gasoline. The only difference is there is no emission, no smoke, no carbon exhaust, and a quieter engine.

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