In line with this, nursing students of the FEU-Institute of Nursing (FEU-IN) visited recently the materials recovery facility (MRF) of barangay University of the Philippines campus in Diliman, Quezon City. In barangay UP Campus, the waste management process starts from the collection of food and garden wastes, and recyclable wastes of MRF eco-workers using motorized bicyles within the residential areas of the campus consisting of approximately 500 families, three times a week. The collected usable wastes then undergo secondary sorting, shredding and composting in long elevated piles. finally, the compost, which may serve as fertilizer, is later sold through its consumers cooperative.
Established in 2001 through the assistance of the National Solid Waste Management Commission secretariat of the Environmental Management Bureau, the MRF is operated by the UP Office of the Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs and manned by four utility workers under the management of Prof. Armando Basug.