Minimizing the negative impact of non-biodegradable ink cartridges

G Ink Refilling Laboratory had devised some ways and means to minimize the negative impact of the non-biodegradable plastic ink cartridges to the environment during their disposal at the end of their refilling life.

While normally a cartridge is good only for one refill after which the unconcerned indiscriminately throws it anywhere around to dissolve in 500 years, G Ink has revolutionized its refilling system that any cartridge now texted at 0919-555-4259 for free pick-up-and-deliver-back-after-refill service may now be good for five recycles.

Computer owners are also advised to avoid scratching the copper strips at the back of the cartridge that serve as its magnetic pole for the inkjet to slide sideways to print so that the German Ink (G Ink) refilling company may still put it back to life upon their text at 0920-345-0065 for refill up to five times.

Inkjet owners are advised to text first 0920-345-0065 for free examination and repair of their cartridge to make it still refillable even up to fifth time before they retire it with utmost caution to save the

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