
Cebu News

Cebu preparing for UN tourism forum next week

Kristin De Dios - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — The Province of Cebu and the Department of Tourism (DOT) is finalizing its preparations as hosts for the United Nations Tourism Organization (UNTO) Joint Commission Forum on June 26-28, which is expected to have at least 300 delegates from 30 member countries.

Last June 21, Governor Gwendolyn Garcia gathered the province’s mayors, tourism officers, and other stakeholders in a meeting to prepare for the Technical Tour, one of the events in store for the delegates of the three-day forum.

According to Sugbo News, the official Facebook page of the Provincial Government, Garcia announced in the meeting that the local government units (LGU) that will be part of the tour will be receiving subsidies from the Provincial Government, particularly the destinations to be visited by the delegates.

Around 300 delegates from 30 UNTO member countries across Asia and the Pacific are expected, including participants for Australia, Japan, China, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Laos, Vietnam, Spain, among others.

On June 27, the 300 delegates will be divided into three groups, as they will explore some of Cebu Province’s tourist spots and destinations.

The first group will visit Camotes Island, while the other group will explore Dalaguete and Argao towns for a heritage tour.  The third group will head to Aloguinsan town for an eco-tour of Hermit's Cove and Bojo River Cruise.

After the delegates’ technical tours, a Gala Night and Fashion Show will also be hosted at the Capitol. The fashion show will showcase creations of internationally-renowned designer, Furne One Amato, a native of Barili, Cebu.

Last year, DOT Secretary Christina Garcia-Frasco was chosen as the UN World Tourism Organization’s vice president in 25th General Assembly, as well as the chairperson of the UNTO Commission for East Asia and the Pacific. Following this, the Philippines was chosen as the host for this year’s tourism forum.

Further, DOT noted that Cebu was chosen as the venue being the number one province in the entire country and one of the top tourism and event destinations in Asia.

The UN Tourism Commission meetings is an annual activity of the members of the United Nations Tourism for Asia-Pacific, including UNTO affiliate members, tourism ministers, tourism officers, tourism stakeholders, and others.

This 2024 marks the inaugural inclusion of Gastronomy Tourism, focusing on the cuisine of various tourist destinations.  — (FREEMAN)

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