Success is not handed

Success is never handed to the successful. This is the one thing I emphasize all the time. I studied the successful, asked them questions, and talked to them. I interviewed them, and guess what I discovered? Success is never handed to these successful people. And the one common thread that is woven throughout the fabric of their life’s success journey is that they are tenacious. They work harder than the rest and they are tough enough to take it.

They go into business. The business goes south, or maybe there’s a fire, an earthquake, or the economy killed their business; what they do is pick themselves up, learn the lessons, and move forward with a greater resolve to be successful.

Some of them work hard on their business. And then, their business partners cheat, or their relatives run away with the money. All heartbreaking experiences, yet they pick themselves up, learn the lessons, and move forward with a greater resolve to succeed.

Many have been maligned; the relentless backstabbing, slander, malice, and the wicked schemes hurled against them continue (talk to me, and I have stories to tell you in this area), yet unfazed and undeterred, they continue their course, pick themselves up, learn the lessons, and move forward with a greater resolve to be successful.

Calvin Coolidge said: “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on’’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”

Tenacity is the key.

Albert Einstein could not speak until he was four and did not read until he was seven.

Beethoven’s music teacher said, “As a composer, he’s hopeless.”

The great American poet Carl Sandburg flunked English.

The great inventor Thomas Edison did not do well in school either. His teachers thought he was stupid.

F. W. Woolworth couldn’t get a job. Merchants said he didn’t have enough sense to wait on customers.

A newspaper editor fired Walt Disney because the editor said Disney didn’t have any good ideas.

“You can’t sing. You have no voice at all,” said the voice coach to Enrico Caruso.

And some well-meaning relatives of my wife told her years ago that she had chosen a loser for a husband. I want to think that they were all wrong. Rather than carrying a grudge against them, I took it upon myself to nurture the drive to prove them wrong. And this takes a lot of tenacity.

Most people who earn much have given up much. They have sacrificed much. They strive valiantly for what it is that resides deep in their dreams. They are just plain ol’ work hard!

And then there are the concepts floating out there that one can be successful with luck alone. This is not true. Success is never a one-shot deal. May I offer a piece of advice? It’s unlucky to be superstitious. And then some believe that if you “believe enough, visualize enough, dream enough and discover the ancient secrets, and you will be successful.” One piece of advice. Those who dream great dreams need to wake up and do some work. The one who wakes up a little earlier and works a little late makes the most use of time. The one who studies hard and learns new things rather than binging on drama or action series will always be more informed and relevant. The one who is dedicated to their work, faithful to their family, intimately connects with God, and tenaciously deals with all the downturns in life is the one who will emerge successfully.

Integrity in business, arts, profession, or career cannot exist without tenacity. The Bible says: “Do not be deceived. God is not mocked. Whatsoever you sow, you shall reap.” This is why success is never handed to the successful. With God’s grace and help, it is always earned. “Instead of looking at pressure and trials as the reason to quit, get tenacious and see it as your opportunity to learn, grow, and be transformed. Trials will surely come. Life will get hard. Then you will have a choice: Will you give up? Or will you take your turn at tenacious?

Want a bit of inspiration? Just think of the snail who finally made it to the ark!



(Francis Kong runs his highly acclaimed Level Up Leadership 2.0 Master Class Online this May 24-26. For inquiries and reservations, contact April at +63928-559-1798 or and for more information, visit

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