Customer breakpoint
It took me what seems like forever to listen to the product advertisements of this credit card company when I called. I was irritated knowing that every minute I had to wait would cost me money in terms of phone billing.
Next, I had to pull out my credit card, press in the numbers hoping that my senior-citizen-status eyesight would not fail me, because if I make a mistake, then I will have to start the whole process bear again the torture of listening to the company’s product offerings. I had to open the speakerphone so I can hear their instructions, and there were many. Then comes the drill security check – I stated my name, home address, and birthdate. I did not complain because security is important.
After what took like forever, I finally found myself talking to a member of the human specie! Do you realize the joy I had when I heard a human voice? I wanted to celebrate, but just one faulty touch of the phone and I would have had to go back and go through the same process. You know - the one about having to listen to their product offerings, and so on. Hearing the human voice at the end of the line was pleasing. He had been trained well, he informed me that the conversation would be recorded and I understood.
“So how may I help you sir Francis?” Ahhh... those sweet words to my ear. A live human being willing to help me with my needs.
My irritation turned to hope as I said, “I noticed in my last statement that you have billed me with an annual membership fee. I would like you to remove that please.”
This nice-sounding human says, “I am afraid I cannot do that, sir.”
“And why is that so?” I asked.
“Sir, every member will have to pay the annual fees...” or something like that.
Unfortunately, I do not have the technology to record our conversation. I appealed to logic.
“This is strange. I have never been charged annual fees before, and why are you doing it now?” The reply was logical, as well. “Sir, everyone will have to pay an annual fee to continue with the use of the card sir…” or something like that.
Again, I do not have a recording machine to record our conversation. I should have done so with my phone, so I can have an excellent case to present in my next “customer service” seminars.
My mind raced, and my thoughts flashed. I have been a founding member of this card. I had faithfully transacted each statement and have never delayed or defaulted except for one or two incidents in the past when I was overseas and skipped the statement. But during those days, the same company was gracious; granted my request and waived all interest charges. That’s why I stayed loyal. I am not sure if they still would today.
I made a hard decision, “If that is the case, then kindly cancel this card as I have other cards from other banks I use and they do not charge me annual fees.”
“Sir, let me see what I can do.” There was a dramatic pause. I anticipated the same scenario would occur. In the past, the person online would say: “I am delighted to inform you that we have waived your annual fee charge, and we are happy for your business.” However, the response this time came with a little twist: “Sir, we can waive your annual fees if you would have your utility bills payment subscribed with the card.”
Whoa! Now, this is new! My immediate knee-jerk thoughts were “EXTORTION!” “Modern-day Mafiosi!” (I did not articulate my thoughts.) Perhaps out of shock and surprise my response was, “Let me see if I can do that... I have a new subscription with… and can have this one subscribed” as the young person suggested, they waived the fee and granted my request. But I cannot explain this resentful feeling that is welling up inside of me. After some careful thinking, I decided to drop and cancel the card.
It is incredible how companies with their technology today are so efficient in annoying and irritating customers. I had a similar experience with another card company, and I canceled their services more than 10 years ago despite their repeated attempts to have me back. I never did. I have reached my “customer breakpoint.”
Why do things like these happen? Let me guess. Perhaps a new leader has come and made new decisions to annoy and push out customers? But then again... I’m just guessing.
Best customer service rule: Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.
(Attend Power Up! World of CX as international speaker Krish Dhanam together with industry experts and practitioners AJ Rocero, Ralph Layosa, Josh Supan and Francis Kong share winning ideas on deliveringexcellent customer service in the digital economy. Happening on Oct. 2 from 9 to 5 p.m. at Samsung Hall, SM Aura, BGC. For registration or inquiries contact Kim at 0977-700-0093; CJ at 0917-629-9401 or register online at
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