The bad luck wife

Department stores and shopping centers are now fixing up their show windows depicting the Valentine’s Day theme. Reminding us of this love season, allow me to take a break from all these business talks and let me give you a love story as we approach the Valentine season.
A man was walking across the road when a car struck him. The impact was on his head, which caused him to be comatose for two days before he finally regained consciousness. When he opened his eyes, his wife was there beside him.
He held her hand and said meaningfully: “You have always been beside me. When I was a struggling university student, I failed again and again. You were always there beside me, encouraging me to go on trying.”
She squeezed his hands as he continued. “When I went for all the major interviews and failed to clinch any of the jobs, you were there beside me, cutting out more ads for me to apply...”
He continued, “Then I started work at this little firm and finally got to handle a big contract. I blew it because of one little mistake. And you were there beside me. Then I finally got another job after being laid off for some time. But I never seem to be promoted and my hard work was not recognized. As such, I remained in the same position from the day I joined the company till now. And you were there beside me”.
Her eyes brimmed with tears as she listened to her husband. “And now I had an accident and when I woke up, you were here beside me...There’s something I’d really like to say to you...”
She flung herself on the bed to hug her husband, sobbing with emotion.
He said... “I think you really bring me bad luck.”
While this story is intended to be funny, I can’t believe the things I hear from people saying that they probably married the wrong people. That their Feng Shui does not match. That they were all victims of bad luck.
It’s a cop out!
Here we are living in the 21st century and all the digital revolution in the world still could not get rid of the Dark Age mentality of a lot of people that I know.
Doing business is not easy. Practicing one’s profession deals with a lot of challenges.
But having a good and healthy marital relationship inspires us to do better and gives us the courage and strength to deal with the difficulties in life.
I would not consign my business and marriage to luck. In both areas of my life, whether in business or relationships, I do not expect them to work automatically. I know that I need to work on them in order to make them function and perform better.
Believe it or not, there are a lot more successful marriages than those that have failed. They just don’t get the headlines.
I thank God that the Ilocana (a term of endearment I have for my wife of many years) and I have had many years of fruitful and happy times together. It’s not technique and neither is it because we have both been getting younger and sexier; it is because both of us have grown our intimacy with God and that kind of relationship has brought us closer to each other.
I like what Paul Frost has said. He stated that a successful marriage demands a divorce; a divorce from your own self-love.
I believe in marriage because God invented it. And the benefits of it are just tremendous.
(Enjoy an evening of fun, music and laughter as Jose Mari Chan, Richard Poon and Francis Kong present great music, laughter and words of encouragement on love, life and relationship this January 29, 2016 at the Fairmont Hotel entitled: My FUNny Valentine. For tickets and inquiries, contact Jem at +639985566416, or at Abbie Flores (02) 4649256 or write to
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