MANILA, Philippines - The Palladium Group, a globally-recognized leader in the area of strategy management and execution, and the Center for Global Best Practices will conduct a one-day seminar on “Best Practices in World-Class Strategy Execution” on Sept. 10, at The EDSA Shangri-la hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines. In this pioneering program, participants will learn the “Palladium Execution Premium Process™ (XPP), the world-class framework that is taught at Harvard business school by Palladium founders Drs. Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton who created and popularized the balanced scorecard and Strategy map Principles and Practices. The program will feature Jonathan Juan DC Moreno, fellow and former principal and head of Southeast Asia for the Palladium Group. He had extensive exposure all over Asia to help business organizations achieve functional and operational transformations and execute their strategies successfully using the Palladium Execution Premium Process. For details and a complete list of seminars, including Best Practices in Strategy Planning, you may log on to or call (02) 842-7148/ 59 and 556-8968/ 69, Cebu lines: (032) 512-3106 or 07 or Baguio line: (074) 423-5148.