Manila Water spearheads La Mesa Watershed Nature Walk

MANILA, Philippines - Manila Water recently celebrated Phil- ippine Environment Month by spearhead- ing the La Mesa Watershed Nature Walk, meant to increase the level of environ- mental awareness among its employees and partners.

Manila Water operations group director Geodino Carpio said the activity, aside from fostering greater environmental awareness, is also important since the participants were able to gain additional insight on the com- mercial value of the watershed.

“This activity is highly important since we want Manila Water employees and their families,

partners and stake- holders to appreci- ate more the eco- nomic value of our natural resources especially the La Mesa Watershed,” Carpio said.

The Nature Walk participants en- joyed a 6-kilometer walk path in the middle of an urban sanctuary, from an area called Tower 11 to the lagoon at the La Mesa Water- shed.

After the walk, they also participat- ed in a tree plant- ing activity and had the opportunity to learn about vermi- composting where kids and adults alike enjoyed their close encounter with live African nightcrawler worms.

The half-day activity was a re- freshing break for Manila Water em- ployees who have expressed their sat- isfaction and eager- ness to participate in more similarly- themed engage- ments. More im- portantly, the first- hand experience of walking within the only living forest in Metro Manila reminded partici- pants that the mon- etary worth that can be derived from natural resources may be sustained for the benefit of future generations if society and busi- ness will take care of the environment.

Manila Water Sus- tainability Depart- ment head Mark Tom Mulingbayan said the company seeks to develop sustainabil- ity champions from among Manila Water employees through its environmental edu- cation initiatives and other sustainability programs.

The watershed, located in Quezon City, is part of the Angat-Ipo-La Mesa water system which supplies 97 percent of the domestic wa- ter requirements for Metro Manila.

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