Learn how to craft pre-nup agreement

MANILA, Philippines - Preparing for your wedding is a wonderful experience. While pre-nuptial practices such as pre-nup photos and parties are in fashion, a pre-nuptial agreement may be just what you need to complete your pre-wedding checklist.

Contrary to popular belief, pre-nuptial agreements may be entered into by couples of all financial means who wish to discuss in advance their respective goals and viewpoints.

These are not necessarily monetary issues but could create marital agreements such as the number of kids the couple would have, the distribution of household tasks and expenses, the frequency of travel and vacation time the couple would have together, allocation of family time during weekends, and many others. 

Smart couples have it.  Pre-nuptial agreements are designed to strengthen marriage and preserve relationships through open communication and expectation setting on vital marital issues. It’s a practical and useful way to ensure a lasting and harmonious marriage.

And just like an insurance document, these are also designed to avoid disputes in case both parties do not wish to continue their marriage.

When carefully planned and used correctly, a pre-nuptial agreement can be a fair way of allocating wealth, assets and responsibilities.

The Center for Global Best Practices is hosting a one-of-a-kind seminar entitled, “How to Craft Pre-Nuptial Agreements”, scheduled on Saturday, May 24, 2014 at the Bellevue Hotel, Muntinlupa City, Philippines. (Special rates apply for those attending the seminar). For details and a complete list of other best practices seminars, you may log on to www.cgbp.org or call (+63 2) 842-7148/ 59 and 556-8968/ 69, Cebu lines: (+63 32) 512-3106 or 07 or Baguio line: (+63 74) 423-5148.

While tricky to discuss and was unheard of a generation or two ago, this special program will discuss everything you need to know about crafting pre-nuptial agreements  and how these can help parents, family members and future spouses in important matters like properties, inheritances, finances, decisions-making, lifestyle choices and many others.

Learn from the expert as he teaches you about how you can make your pre-nuptial agreement the best tool in setting ground for husbands-to-be and wives-to-be as they draft their own terms of agreement.

While some may say having a pre-nuptial agreement is a romance-killer, it may just be the best way to strengthen communication and trust between the couple as important matters are agreed upon and clear expectations are set at the start.

This seminar will feature lawyer Jim V. Lopez. He is the author of five best-selling books including Judgment Proof: Philippine Asset Protection Law (2003)  and The Law on Annulment of Marriage, which have both won the National Book Awards from the Manila Critics’ Circle. He finished his Bachelor of laws at U.P. in 1978 and pursued post-graduate law studies at Harvard Law School, University of California (Hastings), and the University of Southern California.

While practicing law in the United States for many years, he was cited in the Who’s Who in American Law in 1990. 

He has been helping many family business owners craft their family constitutions and has helped them make these legally binding in their articles of incorporation and by-laws together with crafting shareholders’ agreements, partnership agreements, and buy-sell agreements as part of wealth and legacy planning for families.

He is the course director and lecturer of this best practices program.


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