DOT pushes long-term eco tourism strategy

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Tourism (DOT) is implementing a more aggressive and long-term ecotourism strategy, a top official said.

Tourism Secretary Ramon Jimenez Jr. said the DOT and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) recently bared a nine-year National Ecotourism Strategy and Action Plan (NES).

The launching of the NES was the highlight of an international conference held in February this year which was attended by about 400 representatives from government, civil society, private sector and the academe from all over the world to discuss development and sustainability of industries linked to ecotourism.

Jimenez has likened the ecotourism strategy to falling in love.

“Make the people fall in love with the environment and they will treat that new love with utmost kindness. Truly when people don’t care – that is when the environment is most at risk,” he said.

The NES for 2013-2022 includes plans for sustainable management of destinations, education and awareness, involvement of local communities, development of tourism products, and improvement of tourism infrastructure, services, and human resource opportunities.

“Ecotourism is a significant tool towards environmental conservation and protection, education and changing mind-set from over-development to rationale and orderly-development that respects nature and its cultural attributes,” he said.

According to Jimenez, NES is also a means towards distributing income and providing employment opportunities for many people.

“For a more inclusive and pro-poor ecotourism development, the NES seeks to link local communities with the economic opportunities along the tourism value chain – either being the tour operator, tour guide or involved in the management and operation of natural and protected areas with high ecotourism value,” he said.

Meanwhile, DENR Secretary Ramon Jesus Paje said the role of the Philippines in conservation efforts as the country is part of the Coral Triangle, a center for biodiversity also called “the Amazon of the Seas”.

Paje said the Philippines is home to 26 million hectares of coral reef, 2,000 species of fish, 500 species of stony coral – 12 of which are endemic, 16 species of seagrass, and 42 species of mangroves.

Under the theme “Marine and Coastal Ecotourism: Oceans of Uncertainties, Waves of Opportunities,” the 5th WEC discussed the impacts of ecotourism activities linked to the seas.

The conference also covered the socio-economic aspects of the industry such as development of destinations, management of marine ecotourism spots, marketing, and the elimination of poverty through sustainability.

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