MAILBOX: DFA sets the record straight

This refers to the Sept. 14, 2012 column of Mr. Boo Chanco in the Philippine Star entitled “Diplomacy is not like selling insurance.”

We greatly appreciate Mr. Chanco’s regard for our work in the Department of Foreign Affairs, pointing out the need for reporters to be accurate in reporting Philippine positions because of possible effects of these reported statements to other countries and to our relations with them.

We would like to take this opportunity to provide you with more information in order to shed more light on the two points he raised in his column.

First, he stated that “in the aftermath of the APEC summit in Vladivostok, we received two diplomatic black eyes.” He mentioned that “Secretary del Rosario made a mistake in allowing the announcement of a meeting between Hu Jintao and P-Noy when that was not yet certain.”

We would like to put on record that Beijing suggested the meeting and we agreed to recommend it to the President. In fact, if they did not suggest it, the Department would have recommended it, as an affirmation of the spirit of the discussions, held in Beijing on Aug. 25, 2012, between Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert F. del Rosario and Foreign Minster Yang Jiechi on the need to further enhance our relations. The format for the proposed meeting was put forth and approved but conflicting schedules of both leaders did not allow for the meeting to push through. Subsequently, Beijing had directly conveyed to the Department their disappointment that the meeting did not materialize. This was due to scheduling difficulties arising from various reasons, most importantly the urgent attention that needed to be dedicated to addressing the aftermath of the earthquake in China. Both expressed a desire to seek another opportunity for a meeting between the leaders.

Second, he also stated that “the second diplomatic black eye we received was the attributed story to the DFA about Singapore taking our side on the China Sea dispute” and the clarification issued by the Singaporean Foreign Ministry on the matter.

We would like to reiterate, for the record, that it is correct to say that Singapore, like other countries, is not taking sides in the territorial disputes in the West Philippine Sea. However, all countries in ASEAN support the same principled position of the Philippines in pursuing a resolution of disputes through peaceful means in accordance with international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). They, moreover encourage the exercise of restraint and are against the use of force. Finally, they share with us the desire to have an early conclusion of the ASEAN-China Code of Conduct of Parties in South China Sea.

Mr. Chanco’s article likewise stated that “maybe Secretary del Rosario had the right to lose his cool” on “the problem we had with Cambodia after the ASEAN summit.” There was no such even when the Secretary had lost his cool in the presence of media, either here or overseas.

Contrary to a view that had been previously expressed in Mr. Chanco’s column, dated May 21, 2012, when he said that “the DFA has been merely reacting to headlines and doesn’t seem to have an overall strategy for dealing with the issue”, the plan and the manner in which it is being implemented bears the approval of the President and his cabinet. However, details of such plans are not made public because of their sensitive nature.

The DFA has also been in close consultation, and with full transparency, with Congress regarding this plan. For this reason, the House of Representatives’ Committee on Foreign Relations has commended the DFA, in its resolution which received on Sept. 13, 2012, “for its continued efforts and exemplary diplomatic skills to resolve the standoff with China on the Bajo de Masinloc crisis.”

Furthermore, in contrast with Mr. Chanco’s position, we believe that the judicious use of media is a diplomatic tool that can educate, rally and win the public’s support for Philippine Foreign Policy. As a respected media practitioner, we trust that Mr. Chanco will join in this patriotic endeavor to advance the national interest.

All of us should heed the President’s call to speak with one voice.

With my best regards, I remain.

Very truly yours,


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