IBM names first Filipina to top post in Phl unit

MANILA, Philippines - IBM yesterday announced the appointment of Mariels Almeda Winhoffer as president and country general manager for IBM Philippines, the first Filipina to hold the highest post in the American giant technology firm.

She succeeds James Velasquez who has been appointed Director, Maintenance and Technical Support, IBM Global Technology Services IBM ASEAN. The appointment will take effect immediately.  

Born and raised in Manila, Alemda Winhoffer started her career in IBM 26 years ago most recently serving as Client Advocacy Executive for IBM Corp., where she reported directly to the chairman and provided support for global client engagements.

Almeda Winhoffer completed her primary and secondary education at Assumption College before moving to the United States earning a double degree in Finance and Computer Science from Fordham University, cum laude.

She becomes the fourteenth country general manager, and the first female president of IBM Philippines.

Cordelia Chung, general manager, IBM ASEAN said, “IBM selected the Philippines as one of 20 growth markets where the company is making focused investments, as part of our strategy to capture the highest growth opportunities in the world’s emerging economies.

“Under Velasquez’s leadership, IBM Philippines has expanded its business portfolio exponentially with significant additions to its global delivery missions. Through various collaborations with government, academe and industry, IBM has also established itself as a national asset. As we enter the next phase of our growth, Almeda Winhoffer’s deep client insight, global experience and outstanding leadership will help boost IBM Philippines as an industry leader, serving local and global clients.”

Almeda Winhoffer will assume responsibility for all of IBM’s operations in the Philippines, including the company’s sales and distribution, systems and technology, software and services units, and fully owned subsidiaries offering global delivery including IBM Solutions Delivery and IBM Global Process Services Centers.

“I am very honored and excited to be back in the Philippines to help IBM position itself as a key global provider of services in the growth industries, especially on our 75th anniversary milestone in the Philippines,” Almeda Winhoffer said. “Leveraging its rich natural resources and talent, many markets seek the Philippines as an extension and expansion of their operations.  IBM is committed to support and ensure that the Philippines is prepared to embrace these opportunities and achieve sustainable growth through its Smarter Planet agenda.”

Almeda Winhoffer has held various executive posts within IBM including vice president and business development executives leader for the industrial sector, client relationship executives leader for Global Technology Services (GTS) strategic outsourcing, as well as services leader for electronics and automotive accounts – all based in the USA.  

She was also a recipient of the 2009 50 Outstanding Asian Americans in Business by the Asian American Business Development Center, recognizing her contribution to the Asian business community in the United States.  


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