50 years of leadership lessons

Like a groupie, I was thrilled when he looked me straight in the eye and greeted me, “Hello Francis, nice to meet you!”

This was a very brief encounter I had with the greatness of a man I have read, listened to, admired and emulated all these years. He is a person who has lived a life of exemplary obedience to God’s Word. His book The Quest for Character has fashioned my way of thinking and honed my behavior not only in the way I do business but also in the way I live my life. Meanwhile, his other books – Come Before Winter and Grace Awakening – has deepened my walk with the Lord. This person is none other than Charles Swindoll, better known as Chuck Swindoll.

Given the lifetime achievement award at the Catalyst Conference in 2009, Swindoll listed down the important lessons he has learned in all of his 50 years of being a mentor and a leader. And if a person has consistently shown competence, communication skills, compassion, consistency and character, is imparting lessons he has learned through the years, he is worth listening to and his thoughts, worth applying ourselves.

So here is Chuck Swindoll’s 10 Things I Have Learned During Nearly 50 Years in Leadership:

1) It’s lonely to lead. Leadership involves tough decisions. The tougher the decision, the lonelier it gets.

2) It’s dangerous to succeed. I’m most concerned for those who aren’t even 30, and are very gifted and successful. Sometimes God uses someone right out of youth, but usually he uses leaders who have been crushed.

3) It’s hardest at home. No one ever told me this in seminary.

4) It’s essential to be real. If there’s one realm where phoniness is common, it’s among leaders. Stay real.

5) It’s painful to obey. The Lord will direct you to do some things that won’t be your choice. Invariably, you will give up what you want to do for the cross.

6) Brokenness and failure are necessary. 

7) Attitude is more important than actions. Your family may not have told you, but some of you are hard to be around with. A bad attitude overshadows good actions.

8) Integrity eclipses image. Today we highlight image. But it’s what you’re doing behind the scenes that really count.

9) God’s way is better than my way.

10) Christlikeness begins and ends with humility.

Wise lessons indeed. Which has struck you the hardest? Why? If you were to add an 11th lesson, what would it be?

Leadership is never about positions. Leadership is stewardship of influence. It is a blessed opportunity that God has given us to make a difference in the lives of other people.

If you were to go out of your office and randomly talk to people you meet on the streets, would they bother to listen to you? Or would they bring you to a safe place when you do this constantly?

The people you deal with in the work place presents to you a blessed opportunity to make a difference in their lives. So rather than boss them around to build an inflated ego, why not serve and mentor them in positive ways, and make better people out of them?

Why is leadership important? I constantly ask in my seminars and workshops. And I answer that, leadership is important because your people will forget what you have accomplished for yourself, but they will never forget what you have done for them.

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