Cellphonemaniacs: Beware

If you are one of those persistent “rule breakers” who cannot live without using cell phones and other electronic devices despite pre-flight announcements for passengers to turn off all personal electronic devices (PEDs), then you better take a load of this warning. A confidential report by the International Air Transport Association covering the periods from 2003 to 2009 showed disturbing evidence that the use of PEDs have actually interfered with critical cockpit and other airplane instruments – posing very serious flight safety threats.

There were 75 incidents indicating electronic interference during flights wherein pilots and flight crews reported that landing gears, flight controls including the autopilot and the auto-thrust were affected in 26 instances; 17 incidents showed interference in navigation systems; and 15 instances pointed to disruptions in communications systems. In one documented incident, the autopilot suddenly disengaged by itself at about 4,500 feet and the warning signals/ indicators went off. The pilot advised flight attendants to look out for passengers who may be using laptops, cell phones or other electronic devices. And true enough, four passengers were discovered using iPods and a mobile phone. Using the public address system, the crew told passengers to turn off their PEDS – and luckily the flight continued without any disruption thereafter.

In other incidents cited by the study, a clock turned backwards and the Global Positioning System gave incorrect readings – most likely because two laptops were being used at the time. In another flight, altitude control readings displayed changes in a disturbingly rapid manner, then returned to normal after flight attendants asked passengers to turn off electronic gadgets. After some time, altitude readings showed suspicious changes once again, but quickly returned to normal after a crew made another announcement. According to an official from Boeing, signals emitted by Blackberry phones, iPhones and other portable electronic gadgets can disrupt highly sensitive electronic devices in the airplane, including those for an instrument landing system during bad weather. A demonstration by Boeing engineers showed hidden signals from electronic devices that are considered over the limit for aircraft equipment – and the worst “offender” proved to be – guess what? The very popular iPad.

While some hard headed “cellphonemaniacs” dismiss the IATA report and insist that “anecdotal” instances do not make for acceptable evidence, research done over the years point to a distinct possibility that PEDs may pose risks to passenger and flight safety. A few years ago, NASA conducted a study on the effects of a certain mobile phone that pilots were complaining about since it reportedly made onboard GPS receivers lose satellite lock. According to the NASA report, there is suggestion of a “clear and present danger” from certain cell phones that can render GPS instruments ineffective for landings – which could prove to be catastrophic considering that pilots have come to rely on GPS technology to help them during landings. In fact, there was even an incident where a certain airline experienced a 30-degree navigational error because a passenger was using a DVD player.

 Unfortunately, a survey conducted by several travel agents showed that most passengers are not convinced that cell phones, game consoles and other electronic devices pose flight safety risks. Some even believe that airlines just want to “force” passengers to use airline phones – at expensive costs – as the reason why they prohibit the use of mobile phones during flights. The fact of the matter is, it would be difficult for airline crews to stop people from using their mobile phones, etc. during flights. While one solution would be for flight crews to be more vigilant in monitoring hard headed passengers (what we call “pasaway” in Tagalog), some experts suggest “hardening” aircraft avionics against electronic interference – similar to what the military is doing with gigantic radars that have to be protected from all sorts of electronic and radio frequency (RF)-emitting devices. This may be easier said than done, however, since many of the incidents showing possible electronic interference happened with the older planes – which are not as well shielded as the newer models according to Boeing officials.

If cellphonemaniacs insist in not following flight safety rules – other passengers would be justified in bumping them on the head with their cellphones and putting them to sleep for the duration of the flight.

DOT’s new ‘aspirin’

Tourism Secretary Bertie Lim, reportedly one of the “headaches” alluded to by President Noynoy Aquino (but was later denied by the Palace) is giving tourism a new “aspirin” with a fresh campaign to push the number of local tourists to 35 million by the end of P-Noy’s term in 2016. Apparently recovering from the logo flap – or rather, flop - for the now-aborted “Pilipinas Kay Ganda” campaign, Lim will be doing a remake of the popular “Tara Na, Biyahe Tayo!” music video participated in by 21 artists that included Sharon Cuneta, Lea Salonga, Joey Ayala, Nina, Rico Puno (the singer, not the DILG USec) and the late Francis Magalona.  

This time, there will be 51 celebrities carrying the “new” campaign brand “Pilipinas, Tara Na!” which would showcase lesser known vacation spots in the country from Ilocos to Mindanao. According to sources, over P25 million has been set aside for print and TV spots – but that does not include the cost of the video remake. People are naturally wondering which ad agency will be doing what is being branded by some as a mere “rehash.” In any case, perhaps the DOT might want to inspect the toilet facilities for these lesser known tourist spots to make sure they are clean. “Better clean than sorry” is a good motto to follow. 

Silent prayer rally for Cito

The Sandiganbayan is set to arrest former Agriculture Department officials implicated in the fertilizer fund scandal including Cito Lorenzo. The Lorenzo family (known for being ultra-conservative Catholics) along with some friends have quietly embarked on a silent prayer rally for Cito to stay strong and overcome this difficulty.


Email: spybits08@yahoo.com

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