Discovery Group extends support to CNN hero

MANILA, Philippines - The Discovery Group has committed to extend financial support to CNN 2009 Hero of the Year Efren Penaflorida to continue with his work as a “kariton” (pushcart) educator in Cavite.

After taking home a total of $80,000 in grants and awards last year, Penaflorida said he invested most of the funds to start the construction of a kariton-inspired learning center in Cavite.

In an interview at the press launch of the Discovery Group’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) program to support Penaflorida, the humble educator clarified that although the CNN Hero of the Year was awarded $100,000 to continue his novel education program, plus a separate $25,000 personal award, he was able to actually take home only $80,000 due to the 30 percent in taxes collected by the US government.

Penaflorida revealed that of the $80,000, he donated 10 percent to the Church, set aside 30 percent for a scholarship fund for the street children who choose to go back to school, and invested another 30 percent to buy a 290-square meter lot on which he has started construction of a kariton-inspired learning center.

Right after his award as the CNN Hero of the Year, Penaflorida said a lot of companies and individuals came forward pledging support for his work. Unfortunately, most of those pledges of support have failed to materialize.

However, he cited several companies that quietly helped and still continue-to assist him without funfare or publicity – such as LaFarge Cement Corp. which donated the cement for the construction of the learning center (which is just 75 percent complete), and audit firm SGV for helping him in some financial management aspects.

Penaflorida explained his goal now is how to sustain the operation of the learning center once it is completed.

Thus, he acknowledged the support of companies like the Discovery Group for choosing to make him a beneficiary of their CSR program through a holiday “Christmas Tree” promotion that would set aside a portion of the Discovery Group’s sales for donation to Peñaflorida’s Dynamic Teen Co.

Peñaflorida founded Dynamic Teen along with his childhood friend Rezcel Fajardo and mentor K. B. Manalaysay to help convince street children to turn away from gangs and rekindle their desire for education.

To date, Efren revealed, he has been able to convince 1,800 children to go back to school. Some of those kids, he said, have actually graduated and are now volunteering their services to help other street children go back to school.

However, Efren said a more holistic approach is needed to tackle the deeper underlying problems of the street children which include helping their parents and providing them with long-term means of livelihood.

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