ERC, TransCo officials patch up row over linkup project

Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) commissioner Jesus N. Alcordo and National Transmission Corp. (TransCo) president Alan T. Ortiz have patched up their differences over the Cebu-Mactan interconnection project.

In a statement, Alcordo said: "I accept his public apology with the hope that Dr. Ortiz would be more careful in using information provided by his staff particularly on sensitive matters which attack the character of other persons."

"With my tenure at the commission coming to a close by June 2006, I would have preferred to avoid provocations and already prepare for retirement.  I do not have the appetite or the resources to wage a media war over an issue that a confused TransCo has to clarify.  As Dr. Ortiz prefers to ventilate his comments in media instead of during the ongoing public hearings, I am forced to issue some clarifications thru the press," Alcordo added.

Alcordo was referring to the Cebu-Mactan interconnection project (CMIP) which TransCo declared as a network asset during a public hearing in Lapu-lapu City in late 2005. 

"However, in its compliance submission to the Commission in December 2005, Transco classified the CMIP as a connection asset.  In Dr. Ortiz’ letter to ERC chairman Rodolfo Albano in January 2006,   TransCo’s definition of a connection asset fits the CMIP as such," the ERC official said. 

Alcordo also lamented that Dr. Ortiz’s statements to media indicates a lack of appreciation of the process that the commission observes in dealing with project applications. 

"The commission begins internal debates only after the conclusion of public hearings.  The hearings are still ongoing on the classification of transmission facilities as to connection or network assets," Alcordo emphasized. 

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